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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Really "Bad" Games that you actually like?

Devil May Cry 2:
I was really into epic fantasy RPGs (the pen & paper & dice type) when I played this game, and found this game really inspiring. Was also very young and unexperienced, only 17 when I played it, so had no way to realise its many flaws. =P

I'm probably the only person on the planet to enjoy the second part more than the third. I simply played through and enjoyed number 2, but never got anywhere in 3 due to how you have to completely restart a level after dying (I refuse to call it difficult, because it's really just poor design choices).

Spartan Total Warrior:
One of the things that annoys me the most in action games is when I kill a bunch of chaps, and their bodies disappear in a puff of smoke or whatever. What's up with that crap?!?! I kill them, and their bodies belong to me, and I damn well want them to stay on the ground! Totally ruins the immersion too.

No such problem in this game! All of the dozenish levels contain hundreds of enemies, often attacking as many as a hundred at a time, and all of them stay on the ground where I kill them.

The game had generic weapons, bland monsters, horrible gameplay issues, and the historical accuracy was so bad that I couldn't even take them as a joke, but holy shit those mountains of corpses are so awesome I don't even care.

Master of Orion 3:
This game has enough flaws to shake a planetful of Imsaes at, but I somehow managed to look past them. Especially with mods that made the game absolutely epic (increased fleet sizes by 1000% etc), but caused the end-of-turn wait to be like 5 minutes. Actually drove me into reading books for a while. (mentioned so I don't appear like some action games-only casual person =P )

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Assasins Creed (duno what everyone's bit$hing about...)

Final Fantasy 8

Crash Bandicoot Warped


honestly I dont remember a time where I liked a game that got bad game reviews. Ever since and other pro gaming review sites caught on, I bacame a educated gamer and luckily never bought a "bad game" since.

cruis'n usa!

Neos - "If I'm posting in this thread it's just for the lulz."
Tag by the one and only Fkusumot!


Crusin' USA (N64)

Blade Dancer (PSP)

Crah bandicoot warped

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WII - 18.3 Million

Xbox 360 - 15 Million

Playstation 3 - 8.5 Million

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Yoshi's Story.

Munkeh said:
konnichiwa said:
Dynasty Warriors, those games always get damned low scores but I love all of them.

 Well, there scores started to fall after about 5 consecutive essentially identical games and after 15 identical games, the scores were very low. However, I (and lots of the Japanese it seems) really want the new one, just because they are so fun. How many other games do you kill 1000 enemies with ease. And the new one has revolutionised gameplay, you can swim and climb ladders!!!! The fog is probably still there so we can all remember the good old days

 Time to buy a PS3 I think ^__^.

Super man 64..
no game was funny as much as that one..

Soriku said:
Munkeh said:
konnichiwa said:
Dynasty Warriors, those games always get damned low scores but I love all of them.

Well, there scores started to fall after about 5 consecutive essentially identical games and after 15 identical games, the scores were very low. However, I (and lots of the Japanese it seems) really want the new one, just because they are so fun. How many other games do you kill 1000 enemies with ease. And the new one has revolutionised gameplay, you can swim and climb ladders!!!! The fog is probably still there so we can all remember the good old days



I remember that level now, but that was a one off, not every time

add me

Words Of Wisdom said:
OnlyIsrael said:
Words Of Wisdom said:
Wurm: Journey to the Center of the Earth (NES).

I personally think it's a great game especially for the NES era however I've seen it on a few worst games lists since it tries to do about 5 different things and doesn't quite perfect any of them.

is that "Journey to Silius" or are we thinking about two different games?

Different games.

Wurm was a game where mankind had begun to examine what lay beneath the Earth's surface with vessels/crafts called VZRs. Contact with several VZRs was lost and VZR-5 was charged with the mission of finding out what happened to the rest. Among the crew of the VZR-5 was a woman named Moby who was also searching for her lost love who had disappeared along with one of the other VZRs.

Wurm was a...

Side-scrolling shooter.
Vertical-scrolling shooter.
First-person shooter.
Side-scrolling platformer.

All in one NES game.

It had a simple yet interesting plot and a lot of different gameplay elements. It didn't do any of them perfectly and it had its share of flaws, but it was fun.

thanks for the clarification, i don't think ive ever played that one. I'll try to find a copy somewhere and check it out. Sounds interesting