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Forums - Gaming Discussion - If you were FORCED to marry ANY videogame character.......

Bayonetta, definitely

no idea how to make this properly work

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Rinoa FF VIII.
Just can't beat that smile :)




morenoingrato said:

I know, weird thread, but today for random reasons I remebered the man marrieng a videogame character, I was thinking "ughhh" and then.... "this could work as a thread, so here we are.

You are forced to death to marry any videogame character, any. who would you marry?


note: this thread is for fun purposes

I might be the first to notice... but you never did close the quote tags...


OT: um... lightning from FFXIII she's pretty hot

Currently playing: MAG, Heavy Rain, Infamous


Getting Plat trophies for: Heavy Rain, Infamous, RE5,  Burnout and GOW collection once I get it.


Seece said:
Chris Redfield ..

No way.. Nathan Drake is a much more obvious choice... he has a much nicer behind and he always talks about sully's great looking ass and such.. so it would just work out better...

Currently playing: MAG, Heavy Rain, Infamous


Getting Plat trophies for: Heavy Rain, Infamous, RE5,  Burnout and GOW collection once I get it.


Tifa Lockheart and Jill from RE

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Too many to choose from >.

Have to go with Lara. Not only is she beautiful, sexy in every sense of the word, she's rich, intelligent and best of all...

She's rarely home.


Barozi said:
Too many to choose from >.<

Then be an mormon and marry them all.



She's cute!

Buying in 2015: Captain toad: treasure tracker,

mario maker

new 3ds

yoshi woolly world

zelda U

majora's mask 3d

I can't say I'm usually physically attracted to any game or anime character, and I'm usually only attracted to the personality of anime women not game women (discounting real life women for this discussion of course).

If I was forced to pick a game character I guess Princess Peach, cause she'd be kidnapped pretty fast and I wouldn't have to deal with her anymore. Otherwise Tali or Morrigan.

In anime characters the personalities I'm most attracted to are Ai Tanabe, Holo, and Nodame. Weirdly opposites, I know. The only one who's been in a video game is Holo though, so we'll go with her.


@Angelos people get attracted to anime women because they get connected to the characters, in the same way people connect to the characters of a game they play a lot. If you watch something a lot your perception of it changes.