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I don't agree with everything he said but I do have a Wii and I don't play it much.

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radishhead said:
NSMBW is GOTY for me, but I understand that other people playing differenent consoles might think differently. Cant' everyone just play whatever they feel like playing?

Why would anyone do something so silly?! Games aren't meant to be played!

Let's just do the smart thing and hold grudges against those who have their own preferences.

theprof00 said:
I actually wrote the OP 2 years ago

Seriously, this does not seem like an original statement.

Those who do not understand the Wii tend to belittle it.

But the future of gaming lies much more closely with the waggle than it does with the polygon. If this were not true, why would Microsoft and Sony be implementing motion-control schemes?


Mike from Morgantown


I am Mario.

I like to jump around, and would lead a fairly serene and aimless existence if it weren't for my friends always getting into trouble. I love to help out, even when it puts me at risk. I seem to make friends with people who just can't stay out of trouble.

Wii Friend Code: 1624 6601 1126 1492


After reading this thread....I've come to the conclusion that it was just a 4 page bitch fest with that Martzy character.

However, despite all he said, I hope you Ninty fans realize the ignorance in "sales = quality" arguments. Several times you guys talked about 20M sellers, 10M sellers, etc as a reason why Wii > HD. If that's the case, Wii Sports = greatest game of all time. Half-Life 2? Nope, Wii Sports is better. Uncharted 2? Halo? Hell....I'll even stick with a Nintendo game....Mario Galaxy? Nope, Wii Sports is better than all those because "that's why it sold 60M+"

Oh, and Carnival Games is better than Demon's Souls, MadWorld, and every JRPG on the 360

BMaker11 said:

After reading this thread....I've come to the conclusion that it was just a 4 page bitch fest with that Martzy character.

However, despite all he said, I hope you Ninty fans realize the ignorance in "sales = quality" arguments. Several times you guys talked about 20M sellers, 10M sellers, etc as a reason why Wii > HD. If that's the case, Wii Sports = greatest game of all time. Half-Life 2? Nope, Wii Sports is better. Uncharted 2? Halo? Hell....I'll even stick with a Nintendo game....Mario Galaxy? Nope, Wii Sports is better than all those because "that's why it sold 60M+"

Oh, and Carnival Games is better than Demon's Souls, MadWorld, and every JRPG on the 360

probably the reason that comes up is that sales are the only measurement not based on somebodys opinion.

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I.e., the people are viruses..

whenever something comes up that doesn't go along with their agendas it's a disease. They've been using viral marketing to label it all kinds of things, so it's ironic they've been using that term.

Well to me the truth is Wii is a growing healthy organism in a see of disease and viruses. It's a console with the purpose of being a console for fun, not taking over the world. That's sinful apparently.

The Wii has attacked the ps3 with the weird errors and stuff :l .


This guys doesn't know anything.

Well that was a fun ride. So who here was using Mazty as an alt?

Maelstrome said:
BMaker11 said:

After reading this thread....I've come to the conclusion that it was just a 4 page bitch fest with that Martzy character.

However, despite all he said, I hope you Ninty fans realize the ignorance in "sales = quality" arguments. Several times you guys talked about 20M sellers, 10M sellers, etc as a reason why Wii > HD. If that's the case, Wii Sports = greatest game of all time. Half-Life 2? Nope, Wii Sports is better. Uncharted 2? Halo? Hell....I'll even stick with a Nintendo game....Mario Galaxy? Nope, Wii Sports is better than all those because "that's why it sold 60M+"

Oh, and Carnival Games is better than Demon's Souls, MadWorld, and every JRPG on the 360

probably the reason that comes up is that sales are the only measurement not based on somebodys opinion.

In that case:

Wii Fit > Super Smash Brothers Brawl, Uncharted 2, Modern Warfare 2, Halo 3, Assassin's Creed, and a host of other games.....because it has the sales.

So what's your take on games that don't sell very much, but "deserved much better sales" when you look in hindsight? Like Okami, for example? Sales may be the only measurement not based on an opinion.....but hey, Nickelback sells millions of records, right?