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killeryoshis said:
Mazty said:
killeryoshis said:
Mazty said:
killeryoshis said:
Mazty said:
Viper1 said:
Maelstrome said:
Mazty said:
Naum said:
Mazty said:
Well it's true - all the wii's I know are dust gatherers, not to mention, what does it have over the other 2 game consoles? Less power, less quality exclusives etc.

The best exlusive games ever created?

Maybe according to you, but not to any critic, or public vote.


the public voted for the wii with their wallets,it has some of the highest selling exclusives.

And the highest rated game of the generation.

Not according to metacritc - that title belongs to GTA4. A game which no less can't be played on the wii as it's hardware is hilariously arcahic.

And you have to take the critics bias into account - the games of the wii are never compared to their console brethren, otherwise graphics would always get at most a 6 or lower.

What I didn't know that?


Next time click the link to my words instead of reading it. Super Mario galaxy is the highest rated game this generation at gamerankings.
As soon as Metacritc allows VGC on the list. Super mario galaxy will end up on top. Or atleast I think


As I said in another post though, the ratings for the wii are biased as graphically they should all be held back, but are not. It's lke saying that the SNES is a great console because it has Zelda: LTTP on, but nowadays, gamers expect more from their games than what it can provide.

So your saying graphics make good games? They can make me see what I'm doing. That's the point in graphics. If what you said
was true. Than Xbox was the best system last generation and the PS2 was the 2nd worst system last genration. Make a better
arguement. I can say that HD games focus too much on graphics and say they are biased.

No, technical improvement makes games better as you can refine an idea to be more like the reality you would want it to be e.g. compare GT1 to GT4.

The wii does nothing new or even well other than riding on the back of four games (Mario Galaxy, SSBB, NSMBW and Mario Karts), all which are fanboy titles and so would have been bought reguardless of quality. Mario Kart is a bad game as it has nothing to do with skill due to the blue shell, SSBB is just a cluster mess, NSMBW does nothing that LBP doesn't do better, but Mario Galaxy does look pretty good (only one I haven't played). I think something that says a lot about the wii is the amount of franchise titles on it and we all know franchise gaming = fanboys.

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So please explain the fact there are more million selling 3rd party titles on Wii than on PS3.

If Wii is supported only by the 4 above referenced titles, then how can this fact exist?

The rEVOLution is not being televised

Viper1 said:
So please explain the fact there are more million selling 3rd party titles on Wii than on PS3.

If Wii is supported only by the 4 above referenced titles, then how can this fact exist?

They don´t count because they are shoveware.

Vaio - "Bury me at Milanello"      R.I.P AC Milan

In the 60's, people took acid to make the world weird.
Now the world is weird  and people take Prozac  to make it normal.

If laughing is the best medicine and marijuana makes you laugh

Is marijuana the best medicine?

"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind."

“If any creator has not played Mario, then they’re probably not a good creator. That’s something I can say with 100 percent confidence. Mario is, for game creators, the development bible.

You guys have these threads everyday.

It should be obvious by now:

The media hates you and the Wii
The reviewers hate you and the Wii
The HD fans hate you and the Wii

It's been going on since 2006, yet you guys get surprised when they say it. Come on, they'd rather lose money than support the Wii, they just hate it. And no matter what you say, it's not going to change their minds.

The only place The Wii might get a fair share is Japan and even there the PS3 get more support.

 Next Gen 

11/20/09 04:25 makingmusic476 Warning Other (Your avatar is borderline NSFW. Please keep it for as long as possible.)
Mazty said:
killeryoshis said:
Mazty said:
killeryoshis said:
Mazty said:
killeryoshis said:


Mazty said:
Viper1 said:
Maelstrome said:
Mazty said:
Naum said:
Mazty said:






What I didn't know that?


Next time click the link to my words instead of reading it. Super Mario galaxy is the highest rated game this generation at gamerankings.
As soon as Metacritc allows VGC on the list. Super mario galaxy will end up on top. Or atleast I think


As I said in another post though, the ratings for the wii are biased as graphically they should all be held back, but are not. It's lke saying that the SNES is a great console because it has Zelda: LTTP on, but nowadays, gamers expect more from their games than what it can provide.

So your saying graphics make good games? They can make me see what I'm doing. That's the point in graphics. If what you said
was true. Than Xbox was the best system last generation and the PS2 was the 2nd worst system last genration. Make a better
arguement. I can say that HD games focus too much on graphics and say they are biased.

No, technical improvement makes games better as you can refine an idea to be more like the reality you would want it to be e.g. compare GT1 to GT4.

The wii does nothing new or even well other than riding on the back of four games (Mario Galaxy, SSBB, NSMBW and Mario Karts), all which are fanboy titles and so would have been bought reguardless of quality. Mario Kart is a bad game as it has nothing to do with skill due to the blue shell, SSBB is just a cluster mess, NSMBW does nothing that LBP doesn't do better, but Mario Galaxy does look pretty good (only one I haven't played). I think something that says a lot about the wii is the amount of franchise titles on it and we all know franchise gaming = fanboys.

oh cut the crap. Your blinded byt the industry is telling you. What are the HD systems doing that couldn't be done on past consoles/systems?
Online- Nope X-Box could do that also PC did it for years
Graphics- They always go up so that crap is cutted out

SSBB- The game is a mess of fun if that's what you mean
MK:Wii- Blue shells don't make it soloely on luck. Blue shells come 2 to 3 times a round
NSMBW- The darn game had a better muiltplayer that's how it beats LBP

all these games use the wii's motion control to a way that it won't be as fun as a regualar controller.  The wheel is preety darn fun.
SSBB id the only game that barly uses motion control.

Super Mario galaxy wouldn't be easily done on a HD system. The wii pushes the way how we play games. That's how the system
is pushing the industry not your wallet

Tag:I'm not bias towards Nintendo. You just think that way (Admin note - it's "biased".  Not "bias")
(killeryoshis note - Who put that there ?)
Switch is 9th generation. Everyone else is playing on last gen systems! UPDATE: This is no longer true

Biggest pikmin fan on VGchartz I won from a voting poll
I am not a nerd. I am enthusiast.  EN-THU-SI-AST!
Do Not Click here or else I will call on the eye of shinning justice on you. 

Around the Network
killeryoshis said:
Mazty said:

No, technical improvement makes games better as you can refine an idea to be more like the reality you would want it to be e.g. compare GT1 to GT4.

The wii does nothing new or even well other than riding on the back of four games (Mario Galaxy, SSBB, NSMBW and Mario Karts), all which are fanboy titles and so would have been bought reguardless of quality. Mario Kart is a bad game as it has nothing to do with skill due to the blue shell, SSBB is just a cluster mess, NSMBW does nothing that LBP doesn't do better, but Mario Galaxy does look pretty good (only one I haven't played). I think something that says a lot about the wii is the amount of franchise titles on it and we all know franchise gaming = fanboys.

oh cut the crap. Your blinded byt the industry is telling you. What are the HD systems doing that couldn't be done on past consoles/systems?
Online- Nope X-Box could do that also PC did it for years
Graphics- They always go up so that crap is cutted out

SSBB- The game is a mess of fun if that's what you mean
MK:Wii- Blue shells don't make it soloely on luck. Blue shells come 2 to 3 times a round
NSMBW- The darn game had a better muiltplayer that's how it beats LBP

all these games use the wii's motion control to a way that it won't be as fun as a regualar controller.  The wheel is preety darn fun.
SSBB id the only game that barly uses motion control.

Super Mario galaxy wouldn't be easily done on a HD system. The wii pushes the way how we play games. That's how the system
is pushing the industry not your wallet


What are the HD consoles doing which couldn't have been done before? Easy - the HD consolea are giving me a more immersive gaming experience, as well as improving on ideas from the last generation. For example, Resistance 2 I'll compare to a similar run and gun shooter of last gen I loved - Red Faction 2. For me both single player parts were meh, but R2's still better as it looke dnicer, more variation in enemy, better AI, good array of weapons and so on. Now for the MP, R2 gives me a great online feature, with great map desing which does away with camping spots. Also the idea of moving spawn points and a fully balanced weapon system gives R2 a good stride over RF2 both technically and in ideas (balancing all weapons, moving spawn points etc). Some of it could have been achieved last gen, but hardly all of it, meaning an improvement in hardware allows for a game to be potentially better. Same can be said of Motorstorm 2, where the physics engine couldn't have been achieved on last gens hardware. Want a good comparison, just look at Killzone 1 & 2.


SSBB is just frantic button mashing - something that became boring to me once I realised repetition was boring as hell.
MK: Wii. Yes blue shells do. Unless you hang back in 2nd until the last few closing seconds, you are going to be knocked back a lot due to the blue shell - all it serves to do is slow down the leader, hardly making the game about skill, but just sheer luck.
NSMBW: Oh yeah LBP didn't have online play...oh wait. Smooth move, sherlock. Point is NSMBW does nothing new at all and the multiplayer was annoying as hell due to having to be on the same screen and bouncing off of each other.

The wheel has lag to it making it Mario Kart an exercise in frustration rather than precision driving.

How the hell does the wii push the way we play games? By making us jack-off air?? No, what changes how we play are games which come up with new innovations to genres, such as Halo:CE, GTA3 or Gears of War. All the wii has done, other than with Mario Galaxy, is make close to carbon copies of GC titles and given them a different controller. Yeah because that makes the games so much better!

woo we can have some cool discussion


just so i can understand your point of view, do you believe that handheld titles shouldnt be ranked over 90? if not what is the maximum mark a handheld title should be able to get?

also about your franchise gaming = fanboy theory. how exactly does that work? is it that only fanboys buy franchise titles? so halo is only bought by halo fanboys and uncharted 2 sold only because of uncharted fanboys? what about people for whom this is thier first instalment? from sales data we can estimate that theres a probably a fair few people who picked up brawl without having played melee or the original. do they become fanboys after playing one for the first time? cos i my opinion you cannot dismiss a game saying its not quality it only gets bought by fanboys, because surely the franchise being quality is what makes them fanboys to begin with. It is my belief that people become nintendo/sony/microsoft fanboys because they enjoy the quality of the games those companies provide. Thus, a franchise may sell to fanboys but those fanboys only buy it because of its quality.

please understand i dont want an argument i just want a really good discussion

 nintendo fanboy, but the good kind

proud soldier of nintopia


Hmm...where did I read about the Wii being a toy before? ::looks at sig:: Ohhhhhh!

@Mazty: lol. What year are you trapped in? Join us in 2010 where the Wii has crushed sales records. A greater amount of people are buying it therefore it has the most appealing library. You silly, you!

Proud member of the Mega Mario Movement


Warrior of Light

killeryoshis said:
leo-j said:
I think because maybe just maybe, the HD consoels have been getting much better games than the wii..

not because they are biased against it

No, The games are proberly not for them. Not every game is for everybody? Do you understand why a person would love
Wii more than a PS3? Because it suits them more. How many kids do we see on the inernet that's not me writing reviews?

how would they know if they have never played a ps3?



Haha. Wii is technologically inferior. That's why it'll be four years (or a MS generation) before the competition attempt a catch up. MS and Sony are a generation behind.

Nov 2016 - NES outsells PS1 (JP)

Don't Play Stationary 4 ever. Switch!