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Mazty said:
killeryoshis said:
Mazty said:
killeryoshis said:
Mazty said:
killeryoshis said:


Mazty said:
Viper1 said:
Maelstrome said:
Mazty said:
Naum said:
Mazty said:






What I didn't know that?


Next time click the link to my words instead of reading it. Super Mario galaxy is the highest rated game this generation at gamerankings.
As soon as Metacritc allows VGC on the list. Super mario galaxy will end up on top. Or atleast I think


As I said in another post though, the ratings for the wii are biased as graphically they should all be held back, but are not. It's lke saying that the SNES is a great console because it has Zelda: LTTP on, but nowadays, gamers expect more from their games than what it can provide.

So your saying graphics make good games? They can make me see what I'm doing. That's the point in graphics. If what you said
was true. Than Xbox was the best system last generation and the PS2 was the 2nd worst system last genration. Make a better
arguement. I can say that HD games focus too much on graphics and say they are biased.

No, technical improvement makes games better as you can refine an idea to be more like the reality you would want it to be e.g. compare GT1 to GT4.

The wii does nothing new or even well other than riding on the back of four games (Mario Galaxy, SSBB, NSMBW and Mario Karts), all which are fanboy titles and so would have been bought reguardless of quality. Mario Kart is a bad game as it has nothing to do with skill due to the blue shell, SSBB is just a cluster mess, NSMBW does nothing that LBP doesn't do better, but Mario Galaxy does look pretty good (only one I haven't played). I think something that says a lot about the wii is the amount of franchise titles on it and we all know franchise gaming = fanboys.

oh cut the crap. Your blinded byt the industry is telling you. What are the HD systems doing that couldn't be done on past consoles/systems?
Online- Nope X-Box could do that also PC did it for years
Graphics- They always go up so that crap is cutted out

SSBB- The game is a mess of fun if that's what you mean
MK:Wii- Blue shells don't make it soloely on luck. Blue shells come 2 to 3 times a round
NSMBW- The darn game had a better muiltplayer that's how it beats LBP

all these games use the wii's motion control to a way that it won't be as fun as a regualar controller.  The wheel is preety darn fun.
SSBB id the only game that barly uses motion control.

Super Mario galaxy wouldn't be easily done on a HD system. The wii pushes the way how we play games. That's how the system
is pushing the industry not your wallet

Tag:I'm not bias towards Nintendo. You just think that way (Admin note - it's "biased".  Not "bias")
(killeryoshis note - Who put that there ?)
Switch is 9th generation. Everyone else is playing on last gen systems! UPDATE: This is no longer true

Biggest pikmin fan on VGchartz I won from a voting poll
I am not a nerd. I am enthusiast.  EN-THU-SI-AST!
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