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ookaze - "the X360 has the worst jRPG lineup" - exactly how, pray tell, did you come to this conclusion?

I will gladly admit that I forgot MH3 and Tales Of, which are 2 decent jRPGs, but Tales Of has been doing badly as of late, with the 50 re-hashes. MH is much bigger on handhelds than consoles, so it's hard to say how well a 250k-seller on the PS2 will do on the Wii.

But I digress: the X360 has fantastic jRPGs. I don't see how it's any worse than the Wii's or PS3s.

As of right now, the PS3 "just" has the Final Fantasy series as exclusives, the Wii has Tales of and Monster Hunter, and the X360 has Mistwaker/Sakaguchi titles exclusive to their console. Each of those are great titles. I fail to see how the X360 lacks quality there.

Add in the fact that we now have Nippon Ichi, Atlus, and Tri-Ace working on X360 exclusives, that's certainly pretty big, no?

Then you have the joint X360/PS3 RPGs that are coming out like Last Remnant, and the rumored SO4 coming to both the X360/PS3, and any sort of ideal advantage the Wii has is utterly lost.

Ookaze, and what are you trying to refference? Just Japanese sales numbers? I don't understand trying to attack the quality of titles of a system based on sales. If that was the case, then Wii Sports is the best game in history....Which is pretty laughable to atleast myself. Why not use reviewer scores?

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

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Your just as bad, or worse than him. You make up all kinds of games to be "unconfirmed" coming to the Wii. That's just a freaking joke. You have as much insight as Carazo does.

Thanks for insulting me because I give my opinion, but what are you doing now…?

“Nevertheless, when it comes to confirmed new deals, and current RPGs, the X360 is vastly ahead of both the Wii and PS3.”

Perhaps I should have said that I was referring to the Japanese RPGs, but the main-reason why I think that the PS3 is going to be the RPG-king is simply because three of the biggest RPGs ever created are going to be PS3 exclusive, because it’s an Japanese console and because developers know that a lot of the playstation supporters are J-RPG fans.

Anyway, perhaps you are the one who doesn’t have insight and perhaps your sales predictions for Eternal Sonata and Blue Dragon from a couple of months ago are a proof of that…

Also, ookaze - exactly how much time did you spend playing Blue Dragon, Culdcept Saga, and Trusty Bell before you started attacking them?

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

mrstickball said:
Also, ookaze - exactly how much time did you spend playing Blue Dragon, Culdcept Saga, and Trusty Bell before you started attacking them?

Probably about as much time as you've played the unreleased Wii RPGS.

Seriously guys... this thread has gotten off track.

You're a WW2 group fighting Nazis who are working with monsters.  That's going to be awesome.  That game alone should make the 360 the system for SRPGS.

I only hope the ending lead into the movie "Hard Rock Zombies".

I mean it has to right?

mrstickball said:
ookaze - "the X360 has the worst jRPG lineup" - exactly how, pray tell, did you come to this conclusion?

I will gladly admit that I forgot MH3 and Tales Of, which are 2 decent jRPGs, but Tales Of has been doing badly as of late, with the 50 re-hashes. MH is much bigger on handhelds than consoles, so it's hard to say how well a 250k-seller on the PS2 will do on the Wii.

But I digress: the X360 has fantastic jRPGs. I don't see how it's any worse than the Wii's or PS3s.

As of right now, the PS3 "just" has the Final Fantasy series as exclusives, the Wii has Tales of and Monster Hunter, and the X360 has Mistwaker/Sakaguchi titles exclusive to their console. Each of those are great titles. I fail to see how the X360 lacks quality there.

Add in the fact that we now have Nippon Ichi, Atlus, and Tri-Ace working on X360 exclusives, that's certainly pretty big, no?

Then you have the joint X360/PS3 RPGs that are coming out like Last Remnant, and the rumored SO4 coming to both the X360/PS3, and any sort of ideal advantage the Wii has is utterly lost.

Ookaze, and what are you trying to refference? Just Japanese sales numbers? I don't understand trying to attack the quality of titles of a system based on sales. If that was the case, then Wii Sports is the best game in history....Which is pretty laughable to atleast myself. Why not use reviewer scores?

Mr stick hit it decently well here

Ookaze im sick of you bashing the games before you even play them. Then your saying the quality must be superior because of better sales? Of course its gonna have better sales the wii has ALOT more people in japan then 360.

We are talking quality, not quantity, and the big projects are heading to 360 and ps3.

I mean calling us delusional is upsurd. I should attack you for this shit.

How are ARPGS not deserving of being in the RPG catagory, every single reviewer seems to contradict you, mass effect is a ARPG, yet it took most awards for RPG of E3.

Seriously your logic is really really bad. Whos the delusional one?

                 With regard to Call of Duty 4 having an ultra short single player campaign, I guess it may well have been due to the size limitations of DVD on the XBox 360, one of various limitations multi-platform game designers will have to take into consideration-Mike B   

Proud supporter of all 3 console companys

Proud owner of 360wii and DS/psp              

Game trailers-Halo 3 only dissapointed the people who wanted to be dissapointed.

Bet with Harvey Birdman that Lost Odyssey will sell more then Blue dragon did.
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Lost tears of Kain said:
mrstickball said:
ookaze - "the X360 has the worst jRPG lineup" - exactly how, pray tell, did you come to this conclusion?

I will gladly admit that I forgot MH3 and Tales Of, which are 2 decent jRPGs, but Tales Of has been doing badly as of late, with the 50 re-hashes. MH is much bigger on handhelds than consoles, so it's hard to say how well a 250k-seller on the PS2 will do on the Wii.

But I digress: the X360 has fantastic jRPGs. I don't see how it's any worse than the Wii's or PS3s.

As of right now, the PS3 "just" has the Final Fantasy series as exclusives, the Wii has Tales of and Monster Hunter, and the X360 has Mistwaker/Sakaguchi titles exclusive to their console. Each of those are great titles. I fail to see how the X360 lacks quality there.

Add in the fact that we now have Nippon Ichi, Atlus, and Tri-Ace working on X360 exclusives, that's certainly pretty big, no?

Then you have the joint X360/PS3 RPGs that are coming out like Last Remnant, and the rumored SO4 coming to both the X360/PS3, and any sort of ideal advantage the Wii has is utterly lost.

Ookaze, and what are you trying to refference? Just Japanese sales numbers? I don't understand trying to attack the quality of titles of a system based on sales. If that was the case, then Wii Sports is the best game in history....Which is pretty laughable to atleast myself. Why not use reviewer scores?

Mr stick hit it decently well here

Ookaze im sick of you bashing the games before you even play them. Then your saying the quality must be superior because of better sales? Of course its gonna have better sales the wii has ALOT more people in japan then 360.

We are talking quality, not quantity, and the big projects are heading to 360 and ps3.

I mean calling us delusional is upsurd. I should attack you for this shit.

How are ARPGS not deserving of being in the RPG catagory, every single reviewer seems to contradict you, mass effect is a ARPG, yet it took most awards for RPG of E3.

Seriously your logic is really really bad. Whos the delusional one?

Action RPGS should be in their own category because there are a great number of people who ONLY like ARPGs... and a great number of people who just like regular RPGS.

They have widely different fanbases.  So it seems silly to combine them into one category.  It's like when people combine games like Civilzation with "World Series of Poker" because they're both "simulation" games.

mrstickball said:
ookaze - "the X360 has the worst jRPG lineup" - exactly how, pray tell, did you come to this conclusion?

I will gladly admit that I forgot MH3 and Tales Of, which are 2 decent jRPGs, but Tales Of has been doing badly as of late, with the 50 re-hashes. MH is much bigger on handhelds than consoles, so it's hard to say how well a 250k-seller on the PS2 will do on the Wii.

But I digress: the X360 has fantastic jRPGs. I don't see how it's any worse than the Wii's or PS3s.

As of right now, the PS3 "just" has the Final Fantasy series as exclusives, the Wii has Tales of and Monster Hunter, and the X360 has Mistwaker/Sakaguchi titles exclusive to their console. Each of those are great titles. I fail to see how the X360 lacks quality there.

Add in the fact that we now have Nippon Ichi, Atlus, and Tri-Ace working on X360 exclusives, that's certainly pretty big, no?

Then you have the joint X360/PS3 RPGs that are coming out like Last Remnant, and the rumored SO4 coming to both the X360/PS3, and any sort of ideal advantage the Wii has is utterly lost.

Ookaze, and what are you trying to refference? Just Japanese sales numbers? I don't understand trying to attack the quality of titles of a system based on sales. If that was the case, then Wii Sports is the best game in history....Which is pretty laughable to atleast myself. Why not use reviewer scores?

 If you forgot about Monster Hunter and Tales Of, two pretty big RPG franchises you should just accept that you are not well informed regarding upcoming Wii games...

And FF is not ps3 exclusive =) the Wii is going to get at least some spin offs (like the 2 FF:CC, Chocobo's mysterious dungeon) and the 360 likely will get something as well.

 The wii also got Monolith soft and Matsuno making exclusive games to their console, and the latest Dragon Quest games have been exclusive to Nintendo platforms (Dragon quest swords => Wii, Dragon quest IX =>DS)

Just this past week Namco announced a new Wii-exclusive RPG, however there is not a lot of info yet about the game... but there is going to be more info about this new game on the next famitsu magazine.

Add in the fact that VanillaWare (from Odin Sphere),  Marvelous interactive with King's Story (developed with members of FF 12, Super Mario RPG, Dragon quest 8, harvest moon) and SEGA are making Wii-exclusive RPGs and i don't think we will see a lack of RPGs on the Wii.

If we are going to talk about rumours, KH 3 is going to Wii, Nintendo is making a real pokemon RPG on Wii and they are also going to publish a "Final Fantasy Killer" 

And by the way, you may not like Wii Sports, however it sill got GOTY in 2006 in some magazines.


 @Lost Tears:

"We are talking quality, not quantity, and the big projects are heading to 360 and ps3.

I mean calling us delusional is upsurd. I should attack you for this shit.

How are ARPGS not deserving of being in the RPG catagory, every single reviewer seems to contradict you, mass effect is a ARPG, yet it took most awards for RPG of E3.

Seriously your logic is really really bad. Whos the delusional one?"


I fail to see how the projects upcoming to the 360 are so big compared to the ones coming to the Wii.

Final fantasy its with Sony and Nintendo.

Kingdom hearts Nintendo / Sony

Dragon quest it's on DS/Wii.

Monster hunter 3 Wii.

Pokemon Wii/DS (biggest RPG seller in the world)


Just because a new IP is coming to your system it doesn't means that is going to have good success. You are just assuming that every upcoming RPG coming to the 360 is going to be good. We can argue about quantity of upcoming games. We CAN'T argue about quality, as those games aren't out yet, and i don't think you want to look like the sony fanboys that spent a year arguing about how great Lair was going to be.


carlos710 - Capitán Primero: Nintendo Defense Force

"Wii are legion, for Wii are many"

Kasz216 said:
Lost tears of Kain said:
mrstickball said:
ookaze - "the X360 has the worst jRPG lineup" - exactly how, pray tell, did you come to this conclusion?

I will gladly admit that I forgot MH3 and Tales Of, which are 2 decent jRPGs, but Tales Of has been doing badly as of late, with the 50 re-hashes. MH is much bigger on handhelds than consoles, so it's hard to say how well a 250k-seller on the PS2 will do on the Wii.

But I digress: the X360 has fantastic jRPGs. I don't see how it's any worse than the Wii's or PS3s.

As of right now, the PS3 "just" has the Final Fantasy series as exclusives, the Wii has Tales of and Monster Hunter, and the X360 has Mistwaker/Sakaguchi titles exclusive to their console. Each of those are great titles. I fail to see how the X360 lacks quality there.

Add in the fact that we now have Nippon Ichi, Atlus, and Tri-Ace working on X360 exclusives, that's certainly pretty big, no?

Then you have the joint X360/PS3 RPGs that are coming out like Last Remnant, and the rumored SO4 coming to both the X360/PS3, and any sort of ideal advantage the Wii has is utterly lost.

Ookaze, and what are you trying to refference? Just Japanese sales numbers? I don't understand trying to attack the quality of titles of a system based on sales. If that was the case, then Wii Sports is the best game in history....Which is pretty laughable to atleast myself. Why not use reviewer scores?

Mr stick hit it decently well here

Ookaze im sick of you bashing the games before you even play them. Then your saying the quality must be superior because of better sales? Of course its gonna have better sales the wii has ALOT more people in japan then 360.

We are talking quality, not quantity, and the big projects are heading to 360 and ps3.

I mean calling us delusional is upsurd. I should attack you for this shit.

How are ARPGS not deserving of being in the RPG catagory, every single reviewer seems to contradict you, mass effect is a ARPG, yet it took most awards for RPG of E3.

Seriously your logic is really really bad. Whos the delusional one?

Action RPGS should be in their own category because there are a great number of people who ONLY like ARPGs... and a great number of people who just like regular RPGS.

They have widely different fanbases.  So it seems silly to combine them into one category.  It's like when people combine games like Civilzation with "World Series of Poker" because they're both "simulation" games.

what are regular RPGS? Definition of RPG is role playing game. We call turn based rpgs usually JRPGS, those are not regular. There is no defintion of Regular RPG. Again there is catagorys in catagorys. IF it contains mostly traits of a RPG then its grouped in RPG group. It would be a huge mistake to put mass effect in anything other in RPG.

So if you really want to seperate ARPG and JRPG thats one thing, but they are still in the same catagory.

Yes they are, but they are different kinds of simulation games. Again you want for everyone to have a whole bunch of catagorys. Really no one sees it that way.

                 With regard to Call of Duty 4 having an ultra short single player campaign, I guess it may well have been due to the size limitations of DVD on the XBox 360, one of various limitations multi-platform game designers will have to take into consideration-Mike B   

Proud supporter of all 3 console companys

Proud owner of 360wii and DS/psp              

Game trailers-Halo 3 only dissapointed the people who wanted to be dissapointed.

Bet with Harvey Birdman that Lost Odyssey will sell more then Blue dragon did.

Why does every thread turn into playstation vs xbox?


carlos710 said:
mrstickball said:


 @Lost Tears:

"We are talking quality, not quantity, and the big projects are heading to 360 and ps3.

I mean calling us delusional is upsurd. I should attack you for this shit.

How are ARPGS not deserving of being in the RPG catagory, every single reviewer seems to contradict you, mass effect is a ARPG, yet it took most awards for RPG of E3.

Seriously your logic is really really bad. Whos the delusional one?"


I fail to see how the projects upcoming to the 360 are so big compared to the ones coming to the Wii.

Final fantasy its with Sony and Nintendo.

Kingdom hearts Nintendo / Sony

Dragon quest it's on DS/Wii.

Monster hunter 3 Wii.

Pokemon Wii/DS (biggest RPG seller in the world)


Just because a new IP is coming to your system it doesn't means that is going to have good success. You are just assuming that every upcoming RPG coming to the 360 is going to be good. We can argue about quantity of upcoming games. We CAN'T argue about quality, as those games aren't out yet, and i don't think you want to look like the sony fanboys that spent a year arguing about how great Lair was going to be.


Your talking spin offs, you talk of FF on wii, which will be spin offs, and these are all rumors

IF thats the case then rumor has it that SE i s making FF for 360, see i can do it too.

You get a dragon quest spin off

Possible (note the possible) FF spin off

KH nothing i know of has been announced. Heck we can say 360 is getting it at this point

Monster hunter is big, but not as big as you think.

Pokemon on the DS is the biggest seller, ive yet to see a good one on the wii.

 Your arguement on we dont know quality goes right back to wii games. Seriously the wii is becoming known to be flooded with crap games. Your arguement is for both of us not just one. Im saying they are big, cause well they are. The big titles are going to ps3 and 360. I dont see how you think spin offs are going to be so huge while the big titles are going to fail.


                 With regard to Call of Duty 4 having an ultra short single player campaign, I guess it may well have been due to the size limitations of DVD on the XBox 360, one of various limitations multi-platform game designers will have to take into consideration-Mike B   

Proud supporter of all 3 console companys

Proud owner of 360wii and DS/psp              

Game trailers-Halo 3 only dissapointed the people who wanted to be dissapointed.

Bet with Harvey Birdman that Lost Odyssey will sell more then Blue dragon did.