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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Insomniac: FFXIII Superior on PS3

Well, I agree on the Wii side for the Q1 line-up that is. For me Wii's Q1 line-up is not really that great. NMH 2 is only game that interest me. If you compare HD Q1 releases to Wii, Wii's Q1 line-up is rather weak. I am not trying to be fanboy here. That's all my opinion.

PS. Wii will have a great year because of Mario and Zelda. I hope, I will have wii this year.

Around the Network
Skeeuk said:
.:Dark Prince:. said:
leatherhat said:
In fairness, the wii hasn't had any solid releases this year

No More Heroes 2
Tatsunoko VS Capcom

... and we still have Red Steel 2 for Q1.

nmh2 will quite possibly come to other consoles, tats vs capcom isnt a good game, which only leaves rs2, thats 1 game.

Oh so Tatsunoko VS Capcom isn't a good game.. Says who? You?
Then i say that FFXIII, GoWIII, ME2 etc are not good games. See what i did?

Fact is: The Wii had 2 amazing games (according to critics and gamers) for Q1, and could have one more come March.

Oh btw, have fun waiting for the NMH2 HD port in, like, 2012 (if ever!)


iLLmaticV3 said:
c0rd said:
gansito said:
KylieDog said:




As for Insomniac, I couldn't care less (did I say it right?) about what they have to say. Resistance is awful (sorry to fans, I hated it).

Yes, that is the correct way to spell it. People tend to say "I could care less" which means you COULD care less about something whereas as "Couldn't" means you CAN NOT care any less.

People? I've only ever hear American's use the illogical phrasing. People from every other English speaking nation (AFAIK) tend to use the logical phrasing.

There's nothing particularly wrong with the Resistance franchise, it's just that Insomniac have failed to create something iconic this generation. Getting into the FPS game was a bad call on their part because there were already iconic and classic FPS games. They should have done a Naughty Dog and taken the Resistance idea (which is a good one) into a gaming genre that is under-represented with really high quality IP. They could still move Resistance into a new genre category.

OT I watched that 1st 10 minutes of FFXIII on Xbox 360 video, and other than the flaws which I think are common to both versions the 360 version looks very good, and certainly no where near as shitty as some of the alleged screen shots that have been doing the rounds recently.

I'm picking equal meta scores for this game so any differences will be meaningless.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix


.:Dark Prince:. said:
Skeeuk said:
.:Dark Prince:. said:
leatherhat said:
In fairness, the wii hasn't had any solid releases this year

No More Heroes 2
Tatsunoko VS Capcom

... and we still have Red Steel 2 for Q1.

nmh2 will quite possibly come to other consoles, tats vs capcom isnt a good game, which only leaves rs2, thats 1 game.

Oh so Tatsunoko VS Capcom isn't a good game.. Says who? You?
Then i say that FFXIII, GoWIII, ME2 etc are not good games. See what i did?

Fact is: The Wii had 2 amazing games (according to critics and gamers) for Q1, and could have one more come March.

Oh btw, have fun waiting for the NMH2 HD port in, like, 2012 (if ever!)

Ignore him.....nothing relevent comes from his should know that by now.

N64 is the ONLY console of the fifth generation!!!

NoCtiS_NoX said:
Well, I agree on the Wii side for the Q1 line-up that is. For me Wii's Q1 line-up is not really that great. NMH 2 is only game that interest me. If you compare HD Q1 releases to Wii, Wii's Q1 line-up is rather weak. I am not trying to be fanboy here. That's all my opinion.

PS. Wii will have a great year because of Mario and Zelda. I hope, I will have wii this year.

Really? Because I see it the opposite way. I'm looking around and there are really no HD games that I want to buy. Where as there are a handful of Wii games that I want :-/

Around the Network
vlad321 said:
KylieDog said:
People who think No More Heroes 2 compares to games like ME2 or GoWIII really need play more games.

GoWIII is a tall order right now. But people who think ME2 is any more than a little above average REALLY need to play some more games in general.

Maybe the 1,000 or more games I've played in my life just aren't enough to accurately judge a title like ME2 that takes player world immersion and influence and tosses it on its head.

Or check out my new webcomic:

This is not a fanboy comment. At all. He said that the PS3 has a great line-up and that FFXIII is better on PS3, which has been proven true. Oh yeah and he doesn't like the wii's lineup. Get over it.

I survived the Apocalyps3

rocketpig said:
vlad321 said:
KylieDog said:
People who think No More Heroes 2 compares to games like ME2 or GoWIII really need play more games.

GoWIII is a tall order right now. But people who think ME2 is any more than a little above average REALLY need to play some more games in general.

Maybe the 1,000 or more games I've played in my life just aren't enough to accurately judge a title like ME2 that takes player world immersion and influence and tosses it on its head.

Yeah, I've played a bunch of games too and trying to pass off Mass Effect 2 as being "a little above average" is quite frankly a bunch of BS in my book.

themanwithnoname's law: As an America's sales or NPD thread grows longer, the probabilty of the comment "America = World" [sarcasticly] being made approaches 1.

dsister44 said:
NoCtiS_NoX said:
Well, I agree on the Wii side for the Q1 line-up that is. For me Wii's Q1 line-up is not really that great. NMH 2 is only game that interest me. If you compare HD Q1 releases to Wii, Wii's Q1 line-up is rather weak. I am not trying to be fanboy here. That's all my opinion.

PS. Wii will have a great year because of Mario and Zelda. I hope, I will have wii this year.

Really? Because I see it the opposite way. I'm looking around and there are really no HD games that I want to buy. Where as there are a handful of Wii games that I want :-/

Yup! This is my Q1 games that'll buy Heavy Rain, FFXIII, Yakuza 3, Resonance of Fate ( I already bought WKC BTW) and some games I'll buy for cheap (Too many games, less money arghh), games like Boishock, Bayonetta, God of War and etc. so that's why HD games is a lot bigger than Wii IMHO. There you go.

vlad321 said:
WilliamWatts said:
vlad321 said:
coolbeans said:

How the hell is ME:2 only a little above average? 

Shitty story, pixelated textures, weak mechanics. In short. I can write a whole paper on the problems.

Having finished Mass Effect 2 I have to agree with you on the mechanics, they were pretty weak. I liked the story and characters though but I can see how other people may not have liked them. As for textures well I didn't go in looking for Crysis and it ran extremely well on my system so I wouldn't really fault them, it looks fine if you don't look too closely.

DOn't mistake character development for story. They had amazing char dev in the game. The story is literally, gather a team and kill the aliens. That's really it. THe only development the story had, and I mean the ONLY development, is learning who the Collectors are. I can't even call it a shitty story because there was no story.

As for textures. I didn't think they game looked bad. It definitely looked better than ME1. However I played the game on my PC at full res everything as high as it could go, and talking to people you can still see pixelated lines and textures on their armor. I mean if you spend so much time talking, they should have at least made sure the people were looking sharp above the belt.... Also while Garrus' markings weren't as bad as in ME1, they were still pixelated in this one.

Ah, okay. I see where you're going with this. I can understand your points... the game is far from perfect on a technical level. The thing is that it does so much so well that I'm willing to forgive its technical problems, which are FAR fewer than ME1.

The story isn't shit but it's not brilliant, either. It's pretty standard sci-fi stuff... which I'm okay with considering how much effort is put into allowing the player to choose so many different world outcomes by the time ME3 rolls around. When given that many choices, it's not as if BioWare is going to be able to create the next Battlestar Galactica (an example of very good sci-fi) when players are given the option to do something like surrender to the Cylons 1/3 of the way through the story arc.

This is a different media and cannot be held to the same standards as cinema UNLESS the game is linear, which the Mass Effect series is obviously not. Mass Effect did so many things well and broke down so many game barriers that no other developer has tried that it deserves the marks it is receiving from gamers around the world. The game basically took the WRPG genre, which had been stagnating badly since early last decade, and shook it around. It has life again and new ideas have now been introduced to the genre. That shouldn't be overlooked and by itself, puts the game well above average.

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