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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Ghostbusters announced, two different versions in production

Legend11 said:
Do you work for Terminal Reality?

 Yes sir (sorry, didn't mean to ignore your question, I'm just blind and completely missed your question).

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Words Of Wisdom said:

Red Fly Studio is making the rest. Red Fly Studio is a brand new developer. No games to its name yet except for a Q3 2008 game called "Mushroom Men" for the DS/Wii. These guys could either turn out very good or very bad.

 That's interesting. I orginally thought Mushroom Men would be nothing more than one of those crazy joke titles game like Ninjabread man, and then I saw this.

Certainly a very different direction than I had incorrectly assumed off the game's title. Still no certainty that it'll be good, or that it being good means another game they're making will be good. But it's interesting none the less.

BrainBoxLtd said:

That's interesting. I orginally thought Mushroom Men would be nothing more than one of those crazy joke titles game like Ninjabread man, and then I saw this.

Certainly a very different direction than I had incorrectly assumed off the game's title. Still no certainty that it'll be good, or that it being good means another game they're making will be good. But it's interesting none the less.

Smells like potential.  Reminds me of R&C... with weaker graphics and mushroom people.

if this turns out good i might get it

endurance said:
if this turns out good i might get it

So... if it's good, you'll buy it.  That's profound. 

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Red Fly Studios is unproven, true, but they appear to be highly talented. They're also committed to the Wii, as is seen by the work they've done so far on Mushroom Men.

With that in mind, and with sales of PS2 software waning in favor of the current generation, it seems extremely likely that the Wii version will be the primary SKU, with the PS2 and DS versions being scaled-down ports.

In other words, don't worry so much. :)

"'Casual games' are something the 'Game Industry' invented to explain away the Wii success instead of actually listening or looking at what Nintendo did. There is no 'casual strategy' from Nintendo. 'Accessible strategy', yes, but ‘casual gamers’ is just the 'Game Industry''s polite way of saying what they feel: 'retarded gamers'."

 -Sean Malstrom



Whew, I can finally talk (somewhat) openly about this. You don't realize how hard it's been to not even mention this the past few months and ignore every Ghostbuster topic out there.

If you haven't already seen them, here are the images from the Game Informer article (which I highly recommend you pick up-- it's awesome).
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There's also a gameplay video that is pretty old but does give you good idea of some things to come.

Anyways, hope yall enjoy (cause we enjoy working on-- I'm still geeking out over the IP) and feel free to ask questions, I'll answer what I can.  This was only the first glimpse, there's still much more to come in the next year.  ^^

Neat, so is the game going to be sandbox or is it mission/level based?

edit: PS - Wii + PC gamer combo is amazing~ 

To Each Man, Responsibility
Sqrl said:

Neat, so is the game going to be sandbox or is it mission/level based?

edit: PS - Wii + PC gamer combo is amazing~

 I can't say too much on the structure, but what I can say is that there is a definite story that ties everything together and explains why you see Slimer, the librarian, and Stay Puft within the first few levels of the game.

And yeah, I like that Sierra is deeming this important enough to have two different version being made simultaneously.  And just so people know, I haven't seen a lot of the Wii version, but I can say it is not a PS2 port.

Also, I just want to get this out there-- the Infernal Engine is awesome.  In the level I am working on right now there are a crapload of lights and emitters going off along with a very large viewable playspace, AI going on, lots of stuff going on in the background you'll never see, and a large amount of active physics objects.  This engine can handle a lot and it works wonderfully on the PS3 and 360.  All that stuff is in game and works for both systems.

And also to elaborate on the Terminal Reality and the quality of the developer comments, once again, not going to ask you to automatically like us and not going to tell you to even stop posting negative things about us, just want to say we are all super excited about this and all very passionate about the license.

A comment was posted on Kotaku yesterday about the animations in previous games (forget the exact comment but it wasn't nice) and the Sr. Animator actually took that to heart. He has that comment written on his whiteboard now and it's actually motivating him to make the game that much better.