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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Final Fantasy XIII (360) Not HD | Resolution, Anti-Aliasing Analyzed

there is no point in arguing over which version is better. i own a ps3 and honestly i don't care if this game is on 360 or what it looks like as long as it didn't affect the ps3 versions quality in any way.

360 owners----enjoy the game. even if its not in HD res. when you're playing the game the graphics won't matter that much because the game still looks great. 576p? 720p? WHO CARES? forum flaming fanboys and that's it.

as long as the game has a smooth frame rate and doesn't freeze up everything should be fine.

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heywoodjablome said:
576p? 720p? WHO CARES? forum flaming fanboys and that's it.

Or maybe just people with decent TVs and working eyes who care about video quality. I bought the 360 versions of Bayonetta and GTA IV and I'll be getting the PS3 version of FF XIII.

I think that the versions may be identical other than cut scenes and the only differences in the in-games that we have been seeing are due to HDTVs and different settings and SDTVs.

Deviation59 said:

heywoodjablome said:
576p? 720p? WHO CARES? forum flaming fanboys and that's it.

Or maybe just people with decent TVs and working eyes who care about video quality. I bought the 360 versions of Bayonetta and GTA IV and I'll be getting the PS3 version of FF XIII.

---Just trying to point out that graphics don't make a game great. you don't hear people complain over mario bros 3 on NES being terrible because of 8 bit graphics and i believe plenty of people bought the new 8 bit megaman 9...

the bottom line is when you're enjoying a game you're not going to worry about blocky textures or bloom lighting or any of that one's going to say that final fantasy XIII is a bad game because it only outputs 576p ffs the average person on the street doesn't even know what 576p is.

This is beginning to get a bit silly. On one side there is the PS3 supporters laughing it up in a most undesirable fashion. On the other there is the 360 apologists standing shoulder-to-shoulder, blithely ignoring anything that doesn't suit them. Then there are the sensible people inbetween, posting that the differences are clear, and that, for a change, the PS3 has a better version of a game, but being seen as fanboys of the PS3 for doing so.

People, just stop. The 360 version may be lesser, but it's still FFXIII, and those who buy it will enjoy it greatly regardless of its native resolution, its compression, how many disks it uses, or whatever. Sure, the PS3 version may be better, but they will never be comparing it side-by-side at home and are likely to be more than happy with what they have. Certainly better than not having the game at all, huh?

There are only two groups of people this situation truly influences:

1) Sad fanboys who like to scream at each other about largely irrelevant differences (you know who you are).

2) Multi-platform owners.

Group 1 could crawl under a stone and die for all I care. Group 2 have good reason to investigate this situation, and for them topics like this are very useful (so, contrary to some posts, there are many who care about the exact differences). As it stands, it seems obvious that multi-platform owners should buy the PS3 version without hesitation, and only wouldn't do so if:

1) They love Microsoft and the 360 so much they are willing to subject themselves to a lesser version of a game (and I bet there are quite a few of these, poor fanboys that they are).

2) They love Achievements so much they are willing to subject themselves to a lesser version of a game (and I bet there are quite a few of these as well, although more than a few will actually be from group A, but pretending to others or themselves they are group B).

That's about it, really. If you don't have a PS3 and a 360, be happy with what you have and stop with the negativity. If you do have both, then make your decision (assuming you are buying the game), and maybe post why you are buying one or the other (after all, my two reasons to buy the 360 version may be sadly lacking).


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Deviation59 said:

Oh, and better hair/less dithering on the 360 version? I don't think so.

Xbox 360:



During cutscenes the tables are turned.. During gameplay the X360 has the advantage....

@Deviation59: Both are from videos, not just the PS3 version. If you actually looked at the freaking website they even give the bitrates of the videos, and the PS3 video even has a higher bitrate..  

@BW_JP: Bias much. 

Truth does not fear investigation

heywoodjablome said:

---Just trying to point out that graphics don't make a game great. you don't hear people complain over mario bros 3 on NES being terrible because of 8 bit graphics and i believe plenty of people bought the new 8 bit megaman 9...

the bottom line is when you're enjoying a game you're not going to worry about blocky textures or bloom lighting or any of that one's going to say that final fantasy XIII is a bad game because it only outputs 576p ffs the average person on the street doesn't even know what 576p is.

We're talking about one game on two platforms. Why are you bringing in the gameplay vs. graphics straw man? It has no place here.

And who here cares about "the average person on the street"? What are you adding to the conversation here? Someone who owns both systems and might care to know which version performs better is pretty likely to give a damn about 1280x720 vs 1024x576.