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Forums - General Discussion - Are you scared of death?


Are you scared of death?

Yes 13 18.06%
No 37 51.39%
I like boobs, but yes... 11 15.28%
Death...please...doesn't exist 4 5.56%
Maybe 7 9.72%

naaaahhhh she is cute.





I live for the burn...and the sting of pleasure...
I live for the sword, the steel, and the gun...

- Wasteland - The Mission.

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Knowing that I'll rot underground maybe 70-80(hopefully more) years after this moment. Maybe.

indodude said:
Knowing that I'll rot underground maybe 70-80(hopefully more) years after this moment. Maybe.

i may sound depressed but thats the reason why im not scared of it, i don't what happens so its rather... Exciting

i think i need a doctor.

I live for the burn...and the sting of pleasure...
I live for the sword, the steel, and the gun...

- Wasteland - The Mission.

indodude said:
Knowing that I'll rot underground maybe 70-80(hopefully more) years after this moment. Maybe.

You must have a good diet.

I am, but if i end up with some sort of physical handicap somewhere down the line, i'd suicide there an' then.

Around the Network

not really, death is inevitable, when it comes i will accept it but before that comes i will enjoy this world.

Wii/Mario Kart Wii Code:2793-0686-5434

Nah, I'll worry about that when I have the time.

Can't say i worry about it or linger on it, but yes I'm terrified of death. I don't think it affects my decisions too much, but it's not something I say makes me happy. I think most of the fear just comes from the lack of understanding what death is. It's easy just to say the absence of life, but as a creature that has only known living for his life, it's hard to really embrace or understand that absence.

I think the main thing about death though, is it kinda keeps me perpetually depressed about the world. That so many take the notion so lightly and just forget that the life they have is short. They waste it and stomp on it as if it were meaningless not knowing that after it is gone, you can't have it back. And that kinda depresses me about the matter. I know there are some believe in life after death, but just from a logical stand point no one is certain of that which is why you should live like this is the only one you got.

Also when thinking about death, it gets me into a whole good versus evil conflict. EVERYONE suffers the exact same fate no matter what they do. They could be Adolf Hitler or Mother Teresa, but in the end they suffer the same fate. Funny, I being such an idealistic and moral person put so much trust in the ideas of justice and try to live a life that is respectable of a "good" person yet there is really no reason. There is no higher power or law that binds me to act this way or believe in such a thing yet I hold it so dearly to me. Guess that's why many like the idea of a heaven for the good and eternal hell for the not so good, but that's simply a cop out. Guess "good" or acting "civilized" is simply a way to control humans rather than better themselves. Shows why there is so much "evil" in the world. Fear is no way to make someone better.

Aside from that ramble, yes death scares me but does not worry me. If anything it makes me think too much haha.

It's not something I think about or worry about. And I'm not really scared of death it self, I'm more scared of all the things I might not get to do and see. I don't want to leave prematurely at least

people die everyday. Who cares? I'm not depressed are emo,but if I die and something happens to me. Oh well,what can you do?