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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - FFXIII marketed as a 360 exclusive o.O

Dante's Inferno did this as well. (only shows a PS3 at the end and its a PS3 add)

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Metallicube said:
Now the Sony fans get a taste of what it was like to be a Nintendo fan back in the mid 90s. At least you guys still get the game.

At the time, square enix switched platforms because of the playstations cd rom format (more storage space). Reasonable. But this time, square enix are going multiplatform because of the xbox 360's larger userbase. Not as reasonable, given the fact of final fantasy's mass recognition as a playstation title (since final fantasy VII). If it wasn't for microsoft purposely rushing their system to the market while knowing that it had shoddy hardware and it would break on people (30% failure rate), they wouldn't have the large userbase they have now. Benefitted them. But not their customers. Thats called bad business ethics.


Microsoft bought this ad time, along with exclusive bundle rights. There are ads that show the PS3 version being advertised, but they are just more scarce. Most prospective buyers know this will be coming to PS3 anyway.

Sony can't waste their money on exclusive ads since they have to do a huge God of War III campaign, and that will cos them a huge lot, too.

lol,ouch sony o.0



Lmao, nice ;)

Everyone needs to play Lost Odyssey! Any opposition to this and I will have to just say, "If it's a fight you want, you got it!"

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Andysw said:
Metallicube said:
Now the Sony fans get a taste of what it was like to be a Nintendo fan back in the mid 90s. At least you guys still get the game.

At the time, square enix switched platforms because of the playstations cd rom format (more storage space). Reasonable. But this time, square enix are going multiplatform because of the xbox 360's larger userbase. Not as reasonable, given the fact of final fantasy's mass recognition as a playstation title (since final fantasy VII). If it wasn't for microsoft purposely rushing their system to the market while knowing that it had shoddy hardware and it would break on people (30% failure rate), they wouldn't have the large userbase they have now. Benefitted them. But not their customers. Thats called bad business ethics.


RPG's sell quite well on 360 as well. I think FF on 360 will do good on the 360...we'll see though.

THe song doesn't fit the game, it kinda irritates me and I don't know why o.0.

And as mentioned, I remember a lot of multiplatform games having Ps3 at the end of the ad.

plb said:
Andysw said:
Metallicube said:
Now the Sony fans get a taste of what it was like to be a Nintendo fan back in the mid 90s. At least you guys still get the game.

At the time, square enix switched platforms because of the playstations cd rom format (more storage space). Reasonable. But this time, square enix are going multiplatform because of the xbox 360's larger userbase. Not as reasonable, given the fact of final fantasy's mass recognition as a playstation title (since final fantasy VII). If it wasn't for microsoft purposely rushing their system to the market while knowing that it had shoddy hardware and it would break on people (30% failure rate), they wouldn't have the large userbase they have now. Benefitted them. But not their customers. Thats called bad business ethics.


RPG's sell quite well on 360 as well. I think FF on 360 will do good on the 360...we'll see though.

What rpgs besides fable?

Andysw said:
plb said:
Andysw said:
Metallicube said:
Now the Sony fans get a taste of what it was like to be a Nintendo fan back in the mid 90s. At least you guys still get the game.

At the time, square enix switched platforms because of the playstations cd rom format (more storage space). Reasonable. But this time, square enix are going multiplatform because of the xbox 360's larger userbase. Not as reasonable, given the fact of final fantasy's mass recognition as a playstation title (since final fantasy VII). If it wasn't for microsoft purposely rushing their system to the market while knowing that it had shoddy hardware and it would break on people (30% failure rate), they wouldn't have the large userbase they have now. Benefitted them. But not their customers. Thats called bad business ethics.


RPG's sell quite well on 360 as well. I think FF on 360 will do good on the 360...we'll see though.

What rpgs besides fable?

Lost Odyssey, ME 1-2, Fallout 3...

Soonerman said:
GodOfWar_3ever said:
To people saying its no big deal and it happened with other games -

FFXIII was once a PS3 exclusive and the franchise as a whole is more related to this is a pretty fail move by Sony...

At this point I'm going to ignore the overused "Final Fantasy was originally a Nintendo franchise." Instead, I will say this..... Nintendo has more Final Fantasy games on their platforms than Sony platforms! Now, how's that for a fun fact!

Are you sure about that ? Because I dont think so. There are more FF games on Sony platforms then on Nintendo platforms.
First the mainline:








Couple of remakes for DS of the same gamesAnd 2xFF Tactics for GA plus Crystal Chronicles 










(soon FF14)

(soon FFvs13)

Then we have remakes for PS






2xFinal Fantasy Tactics for PS1/PSP

Its clear that on Sony plays a much much bigger role for FF then Nintendo look at the sales numbers the numbers of titles in every discipline is Sony the winner when it goes to FF.Nintendo got the same games again but Sony has ALL of them except Crystal Chronicles which is no big loss in my eyes. But Nintendo is missing more then 50% of the main line. Final Fantasy is a Sony franchise.



And I dont really care about the fact that MS is making Advertisment without mentioning Sony (seems logical) Sony has FFvs13. I dont know why but I had right from the start the feeling it will be the superior game. And thats all I care for. Also Square will soon see that the Playstation is Final Fantasys home.