GodOfWar_3ever said: OK guys...I'm making a new US PSN account...who can download Flow for me with my account ?I'll worship you forever and be your servant for a month... |
ill do it calm ur horses lol
GodOfWar_3ever said: OK guys...I'm making a new US PSN account...who can download Flow for me with my account ?I'll worship you forever and be your servant for a month... |
ill do it calm ur horses lol
radiantshadow92 said:
ill do it calm ur horses lol |
Now lord, how may I serve you ?
I downloaded it. (If it's free, it's for me)
I gotta say, I'm really enjoying it.
The soundtrack is awesome and the game itself is simple, and extremely relaxing.
GodOfWar_3ever said:
Thanks... Now lord, how may I serve you ? |
you shall make a GOWIII thread and love the series FOREVER, and let all know the power of KRATOS!!!!
o wait...
I hear the time for it to be free is 2/12/10 9:01PM - 2/13/10 9:00PM PST
It may be wrong, but that's the time frame I'm hearing that it's free.
Also this game is making me rage lol... I thought it would seem more releaxing like Flower. Controls seem weird to me compared to Flower :[
radiantshadow92 said:
you shall make a GOWIII thread and love the series FOREVER, and let all know the power of KRATOS!!!!
o wait... |
damn.. I hate that game... this sux...
F U Sony. Unless you make it available for everyone, then all is forgiven.
“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell
"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."
Jimi Hendrix
WTH,what about the Europe players...the majority of the PS3 userbase..?
doesn't work on my US account :(
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Thanks! was about to go to bed before I read this, but hell yes I'll take a free game!
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