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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - X10 : Alan Wake Images. Best Graphics on Console Ever. Yeah I said it.

There is too much touting of this screenshot. Yes overall it looks great! But look at the mountain and building in the background...yuck. Game looks great in the screens, will wait for video affirmation of its graphics.

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ewww... when I read the thread title and saw u posted screen shots I expected to be blown away. This game looks good, obviously. But after playing through Uncharted 2 recently, this doesn't hold a candle to it. That's a 100% just honest truth. Sorry if that's hard for you to swallow. Take your bias fanboyism and throw it away. It's clouding your judgement.

Aldro said:
Skeeuk said:
brianbadongy said:
Torillian said:

IGN on Uncharted 2

10     Graphics
Absolutely the best of the best these days. Your jaw will drop.

IGN on Mass Effect 2

9.5     Graphics
Exceptional artistic direction and a top notch-technical showcase.

So why is it the number that Heavy Rain got is important but apparently it's meaningless when we compare Uncharted 2 and ME2?

ME2 is a combined 360/PC review, different standards apply.


sorry pal i borrowed me2 to check the grafix they are not a patch on uncharted 2 play both game and see yourself, in fact its not a patch on killzone 2 or even uncharted 1

I lol'd so hard at

*Posts score*

 U2 10 and ME2 9.5 xD

Fail xD.

For the record, that was a blog post

RAZurrection said:

At first I wasn't sure why you posted an Xbox 1 game then I realised it was uncharted, the difference in the foliage looks generational. The difference in the above 2 screens still re-affirm my confidence that all Alan Wake screens/footage must be pre-rendered as these visuals on such a scale are unprecedented on consoles

true, true. if you want to see how the foliage compares to uncharted 2, this is a good measure

@ brianbadongy, yes but look at all the details, and look at it in motion that is what really matters

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I think this is real funny.. Some people are saying: "There's no way a console can render that" and then there's the other ones saying "Looks good but nowhere near UC2, KZ2" blah blah.. Now, what does that tell us?

@ The ones saying they are pre-rendered, they probably still haven't seen it in motion.. Do yourself a favor, and at least watch this real-time gameplay of an OLD build, and do yourself a 2nd favor and watch it in HD:

About that pic of the car, look at the windows of the car. You can clearly see jaggies. The white things on the roof also have jaggies. Now why would a pre-rendered or touched up screenshots have that? As for the lack of jaggies in other places, I only have two words to say: Focal blur. Or look at this one:

Look at the beams above the gate. Also clearly has jaggies. If these are touched up, they didn't do a very good job at it did they?

Truth does not fear investigation

This thread delivers, what it delivers, I shall not say, but it really does, I love it.

looks amazing but this is probably prerendered movie sequences, maybe not but well see when it comes out. oh and itd be interesting to watch how much screen tearing it has

Well it certainly looks great, wonder how many discs it will be on. With current gen it's going to be harder and harder to wow gamers graphically. I mean Heavy Rain was meant to be a graphical powerhouse but even that was overhyped (but still great).