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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - X10 : Alan Wake Images. Best Graphics on Console Ever. Yeah I said it.

Aldro said:

Actually I clearly said:

"My two cents, I haven't seen Crysis on UBER MEGA EXTREME so... xD."

[I saw it on medium/high not ultra. I have a hard time believing theres a huge diffrence, but if there is I sadly have not gotten to experience it in which my opinion and my list is still valid ^.^.


Like the other guy said though, probably best to just ignore me >:D.

Alright let me help you then:

Truth does not fear investigation

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NightAntilli said:
Aldro said:

Actually I clearly said:

"My two cents, I haven't seen Crysis on UBER MEGA EXTREME so... xD."

[I saw it on medium/high not ultra. I have a hard time believing theres a huge diffrence, but if there is I sadly have not gotten to experience it in which my opinion and my list is still valid ^.^.


Like the other guy said though, probably best to just ignore me >:D.

Alright let me help you then: 


That was recorded at 10FPS, lol. Though to the player's credit, he/she was using a 9600gt.

Anyway, song is from Conquest of Paradise by Vangelis if anybody was interested.

*edit* Okay, the second one you added is better. Even using a GTX 280 too :P

it looks good , God of war 3 Looks better IMO

Atto Suggests...:

Book - Malazan Book of the Fallen series 

Game - Metro Last Light

TV - Deadwood

Music - Forest Swords 

Strategyking92 said:
gekkokamen said:

the funny thing (and sad, kind of) is, xbox owners won't buy this game. There, I said it.

I mean, does it even have multiplayer? lol

wow, I just realized this... how many 360 exclusives ( and I mean total exclusives, not shared with PC) do NOT have multiplayer? hell, RPGs aside it's quite difficult to make that list! AW will be one of the few without it?

Well it's not that much worse on the ps3 side though. Sure, some games like uncharted 1 and heavenly sword do not have multiplayer, but it doesn't make them bad games.


EXCLUSIVITY has nothing to do with this though, there have been hyped single player games that sell well on the system (lookin' at you fallout 3..), fable, and the mass effect console exclusive series. The potential is there for ps3 exclusives as well. With InFamous being a recent example.

People are willing to buy single player games as long as they're good.

I  like how he said "Total exclusives" like those games are on PS3 as well.


Exclusive are Exclusives.



the best console graphics game still is killzone 2

no other console game even comes close to the amount of different lighting effects used and particle effects used plus the amount of high rez textures is still not matched (on console)

just shoot a bullet into stone its absolutely magical how the smoke and rock bits all work together with the stellar lighting

alan wake looks good but heavy rain is easily better looking

heavy rain poly count is much higher like enormously higher

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I hate these threads, I really do.

TC makes thread, TC states his opinion on said game having best graphics ever, if anyone disagrees TC attacks them.

Threads like this should be auto locked.

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lol, the fanboy banter in this thread is one for the record books. Thanks guys, I had a good laugh

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=o your gunna get the sony fanboys man,,,the insecure ones r gunna mention unchared 2 >.> ..
Im with you,best console graphix EVAAHH,,Alan Wake rocks



hardly suprising since its selnor we are talking about here.

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I think any future threads like this is ban worthy, its really getting out of hand. Deep down its just a big 'ol "eat shit" flame bait thread.