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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Video games ruined lifes

In life, it is a matter of balance. I have a gift involving games, so I am involved with them. I know a lot about them, and seek ways to do things with them. For me, I believe games can be used for greater purposes, just like any art or craft and things would benefit from doing so.

It is easy to beat oneself up over how many years they spent their lives on games, but should I argue the same for my getting a Masters degree? That had saddled me with a lot of debt, and doesn't show a sign of paying off now (out of work several years in an industry that doesn't want to hire people out of work for over 6 months). For me, I am finding sanity in working on a non-profit that promotes chess and other abstract strategy games. It gives me a place to express myself and do things. It also forces me to deal with myself and become a better person.

Now, if you happen to bury yourself as just a consumer of games, and have it as totally self-gratifying, then you will end up possibly in a very shallow place, and go through a mid-life crisis.

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Hey he might have a career in film.

Please Watch/Share this video so it gets shown in Hollywood.

Must say I love this vid ^^'. The burning crusade !


Wow, when I think of my 48 days of killzone, 27 days of soul calibur 4 and 15 days of cod4....

Oh well, entertainment has a purpose in human existence as well as it has existed one way of the other since the dawn of time. At least we entertain ourselves in safer ways nowadays. Videogame addiction is pretty bad but nowhere near alcohol or other issues.

Frankly if one sat down to make lists of the things they blew money on, it probably wont be pretty no matter what the subject is. In my earlier days in college, I used to go to Night clubs 2-3 times every week and spend $50 average every outing. Thats the cost of a new game each one of those days (back in ps2 era). I on the other hand came to the realization that it was far cheaper to play games on fri and sat night than to keep clubbing/socializing all the time.

Before my rant gets out of control I'd say this: "the idle mind is the devil's workshop". There's no way to tell what he would have done if he hadn't played those games. He might have gone out to sleep with another woman instead of his wife. He might have gotten high instead. We really can't tell. It's best to take it easy and realize that we still have "extra lives" as long as we are still alive instead of falling into despair like this guy. If he's fat, he needs to get his gym on and find another wife and just make sure to find the balance this time.

"Dr. Tenma, according to you, lives are equal. That's why I live today. But you must have realised it by now...the only thing people are equal in is death"---Johann Liebert (MONSTER)

"WAR is a racket. It always has been.

It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives"---Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler

You can totally learn from games.

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That was very well made actually...

 Tag (Courtesy of Fkusumot) "If I'm posting in this thread then it's probally a spam thread."                               

Meh, didn't really say anything new. So this guy's a loser and he blames video games. He freely admits he avoided social interaction to play videogames. Playing WoW isn't productive. Online friends aren't real friends. Blah blah blah.
If it hadn't been video games it would have been Magic cards, or fantasy novels. If you spend to much time on entertainment, it's not the medium's fault, it's your own. Don't blame videogames. It's not a problem for just this generation. If you have to blame anyone blame yourself.
I don't know about you guys, but I don't play games to accomplish anything. I play them to have fun.

"Now, a fun game should always be easy to understand - you should be able to take one look at it and know what you have to do straight away. It should be so well constructed that you can tell at a glance what your goal is and, even if you don’t succeed, you’ll blame yourself rather than the game. Moreover, the people standing around watching the game have also got to be able to enjoy it." - Shiggy

A Koopa's Revenge II gameplay video

That was ok... He focuses on the people who overgame though. I don't think gaming in general is bad at all, or does any of the things he said. It's when you do too much of it that there can be a problem, but the same can be said about absolutely anything. So ultimately this video does nothing for me :/

Stupid video.

Blame the form of entertainment YOU chose. Yeah, way to go.

Don't blame the obese person - blame the fatty foods they ate
Don't blame the alcoholic - blame the alcohol
Don't blame the murderer - blame his tool
Don't blame the smoker - blame the smoke
Don't blame the drug addict - blame the drug

Apparently, he is not the sharpest crayon in the box if it took him that long to figure it out. For the record, any form of media can be negative. Its entirely up to the user to moderate activity and be disciplined. Unfortunately, it seems like he was too stupid to 'get' that until now.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.