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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nintendo confirms Media Sumit for NA: February 24th

NGamer is hardly setting a trap. If it was Matt from IGN hyping it up, I'd be concerned, but we're talking about a magazine that sells to Nintendo fans, they'd be retarded to try and undermine Nintendo.

A game I'm developing with some friends:

It is largely a technical exercise but feedback is appreciated.

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alfredofroylan said:
Cheebee said:

No, Tingle must remain chained in Japan until the judgement day, then it'll be release with the four horsemen of the Apocalypse.


Demotruk said:
NGamer is hardly setting a trap. If it was Matt from IGN hyping it up, I'd be concerned, but we're talking about a magazine that sells to Nintendo fans, they'd be retarded to try and undermine Nintendo.

Exactly.  Though that could be more that I don't trust Matt.

I'm simply expecting Q2 release dates and maybe the first demos for Galaxy 2 and Other M. Hopefully confirmation Xenoblade and The Last Story will be making it to the West at some point. Although now I think about it, The Last Story's full reveal is scheduled for March in Japan.

Zelda is a remote possibility. There may be a teaser, but I'm not expecting anything until E3.

less than 10 days left.


nintendo forever . . .