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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - FF13 360 to use Bink for cutscenes,360 720p vs 1080p PS3 Cutscenes

i don 't think the 360 version inferior 720p will kill it the experience will be the same(if you like swapping) but of course the PS3 will have superior video and audio by far someone like me that has 7:1 home theater with a 1080p Full HD knows how PS3 will make wonders for this game

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kowenicki said:
btw did anyone buy Bayonetta, GTAIV or the dozens of other multiplats that look worse on PS3? Of course they did... and why shouldnt they?

And why shouldnt 360 fans that have a PS3 do the same?

Get over it...

You play it on your PS3 and enjoy it and I will play it on the 360... I guarantee the enjoyment will be no less for me.

i have played Bayonetta PS3 and only the loading times(which now can be fixed) was the desterbing problem i have fallen in love with bayonetta and i didn 't realise the framerate issues until i read some reviews the experience is that matters although no-one can say that 1080p equals 720p  ( some with an HD TV knows it very well)

It's a shame this thread has gotten over 100 post mostly filled with posts of gloating...

It's just a game, if people want it on 360 or PS3, why should you care? People have preferences, get over it.

People thinking they will see much of a difference on the typical screens these consoles are connected to are just deluding themslves. The only reason I might buy the PS3 version is for the single disc. I'd have weigh that up against the much better controller on the 360. That is if I buy it at all, FF has done nothing for me after VII.

ps3_jrpg_gamer said:
i don 't think the 360 version inferior 720p will kill it the experience will be the same(if you like swapping) but of course the PS3 will have superior video and audio by far someone like me that has 7:1 home theater with a 1080p Full HD knows how PS3 will make wonders for this game

Wow your paper round must pay well for you to be able to afford a 7.1 True HD audio setup and 1080p HDTV at the age of 16!

Why are you even in this thread when you don't own a 360, its about time some mods banned idiots like you from posting in these topics imo.

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slowmo said:
ps3_jrpg_gamer said:
i don 't think the 360 version inferior 720p will kill it the experience will be the same(if you like swapping) but of course the PS3 will have superior video and audio by far someone like me that has 7:1 home theater with a 1080p Full HD knows how PS3 will make wonders for this game

Wow your paper round must pay well for you to be able to afford a 7.1 True HD audio setup and 1080p HDTV at the age of 16!

Why are you even in this thread when you don't own a 360, its about time some mods banned idiots like you from posting in these topics imo.

1 what 's your problem of me being 16

2 it is FF13 related thread

Lets say I have a problem with people elaborating reality.

As for this being a FFXIII thread, its about time there was an official thread and the bullshit stored in one location so we don't have to read yet another of what must be the 30th thread on how the PS3 finally looks marginally better in one game.

SO if someone says that bayonetta PS3 is inferior should be banned(the whole vg charts community) since it is always stated

ps3_jrpg_gamer said:
SO if someone says that bayonetta PS3 is inferior should be banned(the whole vg charts community) since it is always stated

If people constantly start new threads on the subject then absolutely.  This thread is stating what we knew over 6 months ago yet because its now supposedly "official" news we get to hear the same biased annoying trolls posting their opinion again on it.  I can honestly say its getting boring very fast, FFXIII will probably sell less than 2 million on the 360 yet its getting a lot of attention on here from trolls insistant on using this game to suit some agenda. 

I really wish the game had stayed PS3 exclusive now so I wouldn't have to read anymore pathetic bitching and crying from PS3 users still angry its not exclusive and looking at any excuse to bash the 360 version they can.

kowenicki said:
sm1thi said:

ps3 and 360 differences:

Whether you knew this or not, SE states that the audio and video on the Xbox 360 version will be compressed to fit on DVD, while the PS3 version will remain uncompressed and ship on a dual-layer Blu-Ray disc.


aside from that it should look great on both consoles

How many times!?

It is NOT uncompressed on PS3

why would SE tell famitsu that it is if it isn't?

post a link to confirm that its compressed on ps3 coz i cant find one but can find loads saying that its uncompressed?