So, the first one will be Ski and Shoot on the wii. I know...I know... Pretty stupid game. I agree, at first. I'll admit that buying a game that represents the beautiful but unknown world of biathlon was a bit of a gamble. I will also admit that I was influenced by the use of the balance board (not working well by the way). So there I was, choosing from 1 of a grand total of about 9 generic characters with the amazing possibility of 8 outfits. I was not impressed at all...
But then, I started playing it. The mechanics work very well and the races are suprisingly fun and long. Before I kew it, I had played for about an hour and a half before setting it down. I remember thinking to myself : This cannot be right. I am Not enjoying this game. But I did. Doing research on this site, I saw how low profile this game was.
This got me thinking. Some guys out there really put the effort on this game. They must have spent a lot of time developping it and putting it out there... and almost nobody cares. Sure, there is not a big market for this kind of game, but I wanted you to know that I am still playing it...sometimes. I want to finish it. And maybe...maybe...I'll never the only one to have played it trough.
Proud owner and supporter of the YAKUZA games!