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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Microsofts X10 event. Official thread.

Marcus and Dom are in Lost Planet 2. That's what they are from

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axumblade said:
I might have missed something. What's with the Marcus Fenix images?

He's making a guest appearance with Dom in LP2

axumblade said:
I might have missed something. What's with the Marcus Fenix images?

Gears 3....jk... LP2

Still no solid release date for Crackdown 2? I just want to know when. Also I hope the "Block Party" in March isn't replacing the "Summer of Arcade".

Love the product, not the company. They love your money, not you.


Boxing gloves wiith knives on them. Awesomesauce.

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So basically, several release dates, including beta date for Halo Reach and a new trailer...

Hopefully some more info will trickle out, in particular Fable III and Crackdown 2 (for me at least)
It seems no megatons, though I don't know if it is impossible

here joystiq covers the event

Munkeh111 said:
So basically, several release dates, including beta date for Halo Reach and a new trailer...

Hopefully some more info will trickle out, in particular Fable III and Crackdown 2 (for me at least)
It seems no megatons, though I don't know if it is impossible

No, there most likely will not be any new game announcements. 

We still have a Halo:Reach ViDoc to be released at some point within the next 24 hours.  I ma most excited about that.  These pictures that are trickling out are pretty good IMHO.

Hopefully some new vids on Marketplace a bit later.