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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Official Final Fantasy XIII Thread

FINAL FANTASY XIII - Discussion Of The Week

Oerba Yun Fang

This weeks discussion is focussed towards Oerba Yun Fang.

So far we have seen that:

- In the TGS 09 trailer, fang wasn't on "our" side

- In the latest trailer fang has been seen in a attack stance facing our main cast

- In the latest trailer we have also seen Fang telling Vanille to run away while she fights the guards, this could mean she has a special bond with Vanille, or it could mean she is two timer

- We know that the start of her name is similar to Vanille's, which could mean they are in the same tribe

- Finally, it has been revealed that her summon is the famed & legendary Bahamut!

Now the main discussion points are below:

1. Will fang be with us throughout the whole game, or will she "betray" us?

2. Will fang form a romantic relationship with Snow?

3. Are Vanille & Fang actually sisters?

4. Will you be using fang when you play FF13?

5. Will bahamut's plane/flying form be your favorite GESTALT mode out of all the summons?

6. Will Fang's & Lightning's partnership be a legendary one?

7. Why does Fang have two l'cie marks? Is one of them just a tatoo, or is she a cocoon & pulse l'cie? (which would be a terrible thing)

**Ofcourse, you can add your own discussion points, add your own questions & add pictures of fang**


This will be a weekly feature, the plan is to have a discussion on each of the main characters every week. This will keep the thread lively, speculative & fruitful!

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

Around the Network

well done ^_^

1. Will fang be with us throughout the whole game, or will she "betray" us?
I think she will go to betray us, then realise how wrong she is... And become good again!

2. Will fang form a romantic relationship with Snow?
No, dont be silly

3. Are Vanille & Fang actually sisters?
No, but linked somehow.

4. Will you be using fang when you play FF13?
Depends on skills...

5. Will bahamut's plane/flying form be your favorite GESTALT mode out of all the summons?

6. Will Fang's & Lightning's partnership be a legendary one?
Anything with Lightning is legendary.

7. Why does Fang have two l'cie marks? Is one of them just a tatoo, or is she a cocoon & pulse l'cie? (which would be a terrible thing)
No idea, but im guessing it will be a part of a random side-story.


Fang gets my vote for coolest character just for having the ability to summon bahamut

"Dr. Tenma, according to you, lives are equal. That's why I live today. But you must have realised it by now...the only thing people are equal in is death"---Johann Liebert (MONSTER)

"WAR is a racket. It always has been.

It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives"---Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler

Carl2291 said:

1. Will fang be with us throughout the whole game, or will she "betray" us?
I think she will go to betray us, then realise how wrong she is... And become good again!

2. Will fang form a romantic relationship with Snow?
No, dont be silly

3. Are Vanille & Fang actually sisters?
No, but linked somehow.

4. Will you be using fang when you play FF13?
Depends on skills...

5. Will bahamut's plane/flying form be your favorite GESTALT mode out of all the summons?

6. Will Fang's & Lightning's partnership be a legendary one?
Anything with Lightning is legendary.

7. Why does Fang have two l'cie marks? Is one of them just a tatoo, or is she a cocoon & pulse l'cie? (which would be a terrible thing)
No idea, but im guessing it will be a part of a random side-story.

1. Will fang be with us throughout the whole game, or will she "betray" us?

I think she will start of as bad, but the kind of "Pretending to be bad". Then she'll join us. but she'll want to destroy cocoon, which the rest of our cast doesn't want to do, so thats where conflicts will arise

2. Will fang form a romantic relationship with Snow?


3. Are Vanille & Fang actually sisters?

They could be cousins, but "oerba" being common means something.

4. Will you be using fang when you play FF13?

HELL YEAH....lightning + fang combo!

5. Will bahamut's plane/flying form be your favorite GESTALT mode out of all the summons?

May be, depending on attacks & style of attacks. In FFX I loved ixions general style of attacks, so it was my favorite!

6. Will Fang's & Lightning's partnership be a legendary one?

Trust, me this pair will be remembered, much more than Zack/Cloud

7. Why does Fang have two l'cie marks? Is one of them just a tatoo, or is she a cocoon & pulse l'cie? (which would be a terrible thing)

I think she's a cocool & pulse l'cie.....very rare, but her dilemna will be on which side she should be. this may eventually result in her killing lightning & co, to complete her focus!

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

Around the Network

Btw darth...

I like the questions



thanks, this will be weekly

so hopefully we'll get more responses & have good discussions going on

WE NEED SOME WAY to cut down the 4 month wait!!!!!

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

Meh. it's going to be even worse when it releases in Japan.

All those spoilers... I dont know if i can resist


PLEASE we need some spoiler barrier here

when MGS4 released I HAD PEOPLE,....spam accounts messaging me & posting on my wall about MGS4 spoilers

I don;t want a spam message saying "LIGHTNING dies while Hope & Serah are actually evil" in my PM box!

mods must do something....& you must resist, don't ruin the game for yourself

as THERE WILL be the FF13 opening on youtube & the ENDING will be on too

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

I know! If someone spoils it for me... ¬_¬

I will ask to get them IP banned. I know some people in high places