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Forums - Sony Discussion - What games has and will take up all 50 GB of a Blu-ray disk

As far as I know the only Blu-ray game that takes up all the 50 GB is Metal Gear Solid 4. So has there been another game that took up all 50 GB of a Blu-ray disk?

Also what game in the future do you think will take up all 50 GB. My guess is Final Fantasy XIII and Versus XIII will likely fill the disk.

Maybe God of War III and Gran Turismo 5 aswell.

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Only MGS4 so far that i know of. I dont think GoWIII or Uncharted 2 will but GT5,FFVIII and FF VS VIII will most definitely. Also Heavy Rain will probably as well, lots of mocap and a huge script.

MGS4 is "just" 30GB

there are padding sectors for making the game load faster so while the disc is 46.6 GB the actual the game data is 29.9GB (MGS4 = 27.2GB, MGO = 2.7GB).


Face the future.. Gamecenter ID: nikkom_nl (oh no he didn't!!) 

That means LittleBigPlanet is probably the biggest PS3 game, taking up 40 GB, to date then...

I think Heavy Rain might be the first game to actually fill the blu-ray to the brink with original content (no padding, no videos, just the actual game), since there is a ridiculous amount of assets going into that game.

I think Resistance 2 took up about 45 gigs of space.
Does anyone know how much space Killzone 2 took up?

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gran turismo 5 should be filling it up. recent rumors of 600 cars in the game mean that yamauchi had to sacrifice 400 cars in order to fit the game (he promised 1000 before). but of course this is just a rumor.

I imagine a lot of games will be hard to fit on a blue ray disc in about 2 years, some games in the future may stretch to 2 blue ray disc

Just because a disk is full doesn't mean its useful. If we paid half of the planet to dig a hole and the other half to fill in a hole, we get full employment but no productivity.

First, MGS4 toke up only 30gb of the disk, mainly because of its VERY bad coding, the game was good but the codes were messed up, Second, a single layerd blu-ray takes up 50gb, a double layer takes up to 100gb, so 50gb is not the max for a blu-ray disk.

darconi said:
Just because a disk is full doesn't mean its useful. If we paid half of the planet to dig a hole and the other half to fill in a hole, we get full employment but no productivity.


I don't see how that relates in anyway what so ever