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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Fable 2 "IGN" review comes out 8 Anti-Meridian Central Standard Time

Yeah, so you gotta spell out stuff in topic titles, I get it. IGN is a proper noun, so mwahaha!!!

Anyway, so I hear word that IGN is putting their Fable 2 review out at 6 AM Pacific time(which is 8AM my time, unless I'm a backwards douche).

I was rather looking forward to finding out what probably the most credible review around this forum thought of Fable 2, and if you are, you can stay up and find out in about 7 hours and 15 minutes from right now.

This insider information has been brought to you by way of Zenfoldor. I'll take "get out of ban free" cards as payment, or just "benefit of the doubt" credits.

Anyway, start a new thread whoever sees it first, let this one die, this is just one of those "news flash, nonimportant but interesting news for you late stayer--upers up in this piece."

9 eastern

8 central

7 mountain

6 pacific

Monday morning October 20th 2008.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


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IS IGN the one giving it all those awesome previews and videos? I expect a very good score from them.


Would be fun if, now that they've built it up so much with their previews and poll, they give it an 8 or something :P

i think its will get between 9.5 & 10 score.

ign is tough on games so im really interested

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Here we are folks! Time has come for another Great Experience in gaming.

I want Fable2.


My Gaming Setup

thejuicingamer said:
ign is tough on games so im really interested

This is what I think of IGN and Gamespy as well

I'm more interested in a zero punctuation review...

@ lightbleeder, less useful in terms of whether to buy it, but far more entertaining

KylieDog said:
So? Why do people care?

Reviews mean nothing. if you listen to reviews as to if a game is good or not, you shouldn't be playing games.


Reviews are a good indication as to whether a game is any good, for instance I was going to buy Ninja Gaiden first day, read a few reviews and read the camera was a bit of a problem, downloaded the demo and turned out it wasn't the game for me. Many people read reviews not for the reviewers opinion but to get an understanding of what the game is like.