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Gamers make bad lovers, researchers say

Quick on the trigger

A group of Dutch scientists may have found a link between men's performance in video games and their performance in what for the sake of propriety we'll call "more intimate encounters".

The study, which involved nearly 200 Dutch men, hit upon a connection between a gene that controls hormone levels and -- er -- the duration of certain bedroom sports. In the words of sexual psychotherapist Paula Hall, quoted in a BBC News article, men with the gene may underperform in the sack, but they're likely to be overachievers in other areas. "These men have very quick reflexes. They may be excellent at playing tennis or computer games, for example," she said.

So there you have it: men who are great Halo players could well be terrible lovers -- and that's before you take the potentially devastating effect of game addiction into account. You've been warned.


Slipshod journalism as always, Yahoo!, but I'll admit the article amused me. Maybe we can use this thread to see who the best gamers on the site are...

Around the Network

lol, well good thing i'm not a God at halo.

Nevar heard my gf and ex-gf complain

And boom goes the dynamite

konnichiwa said:
Nevar heard my gf and ex-gf complain

There might be a couple of reasons for that...

Around the Network

Oh... so that's why.. hmm..

I am a sexual champion and I dominate in Mario Tennis. Anyone who dares challenge, I will make sweet tender love to and, shortly after, obliterate with Bowser.

My Games of 2011:

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Super Mario 3D Land

Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception

I find this thread quite amusing...

Lols, there've also been some studies that show gamers have mad skillz in the bedroom. I'd find the studies if i cared enough

noname2200 said:
konnichiwa said:
Nevar heard my gf and ex-gf complain

There might be a couple of reasons for that...

Hahah, what the hell... did you prepare that article alongside with your OP? Well played!

@Xen: Haha, trying to decode that reaction...