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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Outer World game design are held back by PS4 and Xbox One , another prove that Next gen will be held back by current gen if games are made for cross gen

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Cross gen games will held... 9 52.94%
Yes it suck to have cross... 6 35.29%
I don't care because the ... 1 5.88%
i don't agree with game d... 1 5.88%

 "The Outer Worlds might not have had the biggest environments to explore on PlayStation 4, with the likes of Fallout 4 and The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt dwarfing it, but at least those locations were fairly detailed. However, it could have been so much better.In a new interview with Danny O'Dwyer as part of No Clip, developer Obsidian reveals how the RPG experience was held back by the memory constraints of current-gen consoles.

the second location in the game that you explore, senior game designer Brian Heins explains how the setting was originally split between three separate levels each featuring a load screen. This was too much for the team and so it decided to create a single cohesive environment, which brought about its own problems.

Areas such as the medical bay had to be tweaked in order to work on the station's main promenade as well as a few other locations as the single setting now blew past the memory constraints of the PS4 and Xbox One.As such, an entire section of the Groundbreaker, dubbed "the Bridge" was cut simply to fit on consoles.

Elsewhere, Heins discusses another drawback to this. Obsidian had created too many NPCs for the game to handle on current-gen hardware, meaning that a certain number was cut completely from the experience. "It kind of breaks my heart a little bit, there's not a lot of people moving around on Groundbreaker. And that was basically because when we got the art pass done and the lighting pass, we had to actually pull back on the number of actual characters on the Groundbreaker to fit on consoles because we just didn't have the memory budget."

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Witcher 3, you mean that game that works fine on the Switch? 😆

Sounds more like a budget problem

LudicrousSpeed said:
Witcher 3, you mean that game that works fine on the Switch? 😆

Well the games were ported down not ported up, you need to be worry this are Xbox developer now and they the one who complain and not just nobodies on Internet trollz 

AngryLittleAlchemist said:
Sounds more like a budget problem

It sounds like that, on top of that include spec budget, memory budet and raw power budget LOL. 

Around the Network

So people are NOW finding out current consoles hold games back?
They could of made it PC only, but they want to sell to as much people as possible which is why it went to PS4 and Xbox One, and even the Switch.

No shit sherlock... still they will port the game to an even more constrained system (Switch). GTA V much bigger and running fine. The dev just isn't the best there is.

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."

HollyGamer said:
LudicrousSpeed said:
Witcher 3, you mean that game that works fine on the Switch? 😆

Well the games were ported down not ported up, you need to be worry this are Xbox developer now and they the one who complain and not just nobodies on Internet trollz 

Oh so you’re saying a game can be designed around more powerful hardware and then ported down with sacrifices? Interesting. 

Also, OW was made on a smaller budget. They have Azure money now. No need for me to be worried 🖖

AngryLittleAlchemist said:
Sounds more like a budget problem

The dev literally states one issue being the "console memory budget". I don't know how far he needs to go to tell you the issues he's had with making the game work on current gen.

I think it's a tad delusional, that anyone here, stating that "Witcher 3 Switch", doesn't mean everything is extremely polished, extremely sublime and honky dory. I've seen plenty of games with plenty of object pop in, texture pop in, NPC's bugging out, short shadow LoD's, short object rendering distances etc, and a lot of those issues aren't "devs are crap", it's mostly down to console constraints and what they can handle, and that's what we get as a n end result, that's why Witcher 3 got it's downgrade, and how the devs tried to hide that a lot of the time (because let's be real, who sees any dev going out there, who works with console publishers, and openly claims "yo consoles are weak sauce", and still expect to have console porting contracts handed to them?, be honestly real with me, who would do that and why would they?).

Edit: He makes mention of it again in more detail at the timestamp I'm linking;

Last edited by Chazore - on 17 April 2020

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"

LudicrousSpeed said:
HollyGamer said:

Well the games were ported down not ported up, you need to be worry this are Xbox developer now and they the one who complain and not just nobodies on Internet trollz 

Oh so you’re saying a game can be designed around more powerful hardware and then ported down with sacrifices? Interesting. 

Also, OW was made on a smaller budget. They have Azure money now. No need for me to be worried 🖖

Yes it can, if games were made for expensive hardware A.K.A High end PC expensives PC or Next Gen consoles and then latter on ported back it can avoid game design limitations and creativity , but another problem is,  it need  more time to ported down, more developer and more budget to ported and cut many features to run on lower spec. 

OW was made on a smaller budget that's true but also held back by PS4 and Xbox One that also true. 

And we are not talking about azure i am talking about games that made for cross gen will be held back.