Metacritic: 89(91 reviews)
Opencritic: 89 (90 reviews)
Some Reviews
Fire Emblem goes back to school for the most epic, generous and dynamic outing for the series yet. [Eurogamer Recommended]
IGN - 95
Fire Emblem: Three Houses succeeds in its ambitious telling of a land at war helmed by captivating leaders, in which no side has all the answers. Its tense battles are made all the more harrowing thanks to new strategy elements, and the colorful cast of troops you send into the fray are incredibly charming. With a new take on training and bonding with your units, and the many activities and options available to sample, it’s absolutely begging to be played multiple times.
Gamespot - 90
When all was said and done, all I could think about was starting another playthrough.
Guardian - 80
It all adds up to a new lease of life for one of Nintendo’s younger series, bolstered by revised combat and a gorgeous new look that endows these 3D characters with the grace and style of older games’ portrait art. By turns grandiose and silly, but always engrossing, this bubbling school soap opera is a game to spend a summer with.
Last edited by Shikamo - on 22 August 2019