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Forums - Sony Discussion - The Official PlayStation 3 Exclusives list...

I can't wait for FFXIII Vs. It's what will make me buy a PS3. I love the trailer you got that screenshot from.

Once I've got a PS3 I'll probably also pick up FFXIII, GoW3 and Resistance 2 if it ends up being above average.

Even if they come to the 360, I'll probably get LA Noire and Tekken 6 for PS3, as they will have led development on PS3, exclusive or not. Unless of course MS shells out more money for exclusive episodes, but I doubt it. Rockstar isn't well-known, just their lead franchise.

Thats all that interests me from this list.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

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Hmmm....though not much information has been given on it, I think Star Ocean 4 is going to be a PS3 exclusive...probably not going to be released until like 2011 or 2012 but probably going to be a PS3 exclusive nonetheless.

PSN: Lone_Canis_Lupus

I completely forgot about Star Ocean 4.

moneybags made a thread about tri-ace yesterday where we were speculating as to the destination and title of their new game. If the new one is a PS3 exclusive you might find that SO4 is multi-plat, but I guess time will tell.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

starcraft said:
moneybags made a thread about tri-ace yesterday where we were speculating as to the destination and title of their new game. If the new one is a PS3 exclusive you might find that SO4 is multi-plat, but I guess time will tell.

 SO4 is exclusive to one of the two HD consoles.  We just don't know which yet.  My money's on the ps3.  SE doesn't seem as open to moneyhats as NB.

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makingmusic476 said:
starcraft said:
moneybags made a thread about tri-ace yesterday where we were speculating as to the destination and title of their new game. If the new one is a PS3 exclusive you might find that SO4 is multi-plat, but I guess time will tell.

SO4 is exclusive to one of the two HD consoles. We just don't know which yet. My money's on the ps3. SE doesn't seem as open to moneyhats as NB.

 Yeah, I was looking for the article about the company saying it would be exclusive to one of the consoles before I posted that...but I couldn't find it. But yeah, I'd be willing to bet it would be on the PS3. They are making the remakes for the PSP...and it seems like the game would be on a Playstation console since most of them have been on them...though there have been games to jump ship like that before.

PSN: Lone_Canis_Lupus

Oh I wasn't aware of that? They confirmed they'd only do it on one console? Well then I guess it is simply a matter of whether MS like it enough to pay for it. If they don't, it'll go to the PS3. I'd say they won't buy it, as they already have Infinite Undiscovery from the developer.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

starcraft said:
Oh I wasn't aware of that? They confirmed they'd only do it on one console? Well then I guess it is simply a matter of whether MS like it enough to pay for it. If they don't, it'll go to the PS3. I'd say they won't buy it, as they already have Infinite Undiscovery from the developer.

 MS probably won't fork over the money for it. Besides...I have a feeling even if it did go to the 360, it probably wouldn't do so well. Just doesn't seem like a lot of the 360 fanbase would even like the game. I mean a lot of my friends who prefer the 360 love FF and KH games...but I don't think any of them have even heard of SO. I'm going by personal experience which is bad, but I have a feeling a lot of 360 fans wouldn't even know of its existence if it went to the 360. They'd have to advertise SO4 a helluva lot. 

PSN: Lone_Canis_Lupus

I doubt MS would buy SO4, but if they did it wouldn't be for existing 360 users to enjoy it.

It would be an attempt to woo it's fairly niche Japanese fanbase to the Microsoft console.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

starcraft said:
I doubt MS would buy SO4, but if they did it wouldn't be for existing 360 users to enjoy it.

It would be an attempt to woo it's fairly niche Japanese fanbase to the Microsoft console.

 I think they should just give up on Japan...they aren't biting.

PSN: Lone_Canis_Lupus