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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Titanfall Gameplay videos for maps, more pictures, all 15 maps in final game

15 maps at launch sounds amazing

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Nice number of maps. Campaign multiplayer?

Whoa, some of those are interesting. Much more than the stuff in the beta, to be honest ...

Giant skulls and massive dams are such a staple of video games. In the last two weeks, I've blow up two different dams in two different games.

Oh okay that sounds pretty interesting.

They look pretty cool.

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Lagoon is the one I want to see the most, also Smugglers Cove.

Ryuu96 said:

I still really want to see more off Outpost, Corporate and Lagoon though (Lagoon the most) Love that they have a space/moon type map also from the looks of Outpost it will be

Heres another picture for Lagoon

Still doesn't show much =/ Can't even see where we would fight, wonder if we can get onto off that ship also xD

Got me getting hyped!!!

Well done on first thread....

Good job

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BenVTrigger said:
15 maps at launch sounds amazing

Considering it's a multiplayer game. I would hope for nothing less.

Nexus, Colony and Smuggler's Cove stand as the most likely maps I'll be playing the most. They look terrific! And lots of weaponry and kit as well, can't wait to play this!