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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Forza 5 (final) review from InsideSImRacing.

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Read whole thing. If this isn't credible then I do not know what is. Yes Forza can be accessible to casuals but all in all I always thought the core of this series as a excellent sim.

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


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I love Inside Sim Racing. They are the only credible place for Sim racers. They have always said GT was a better sim, but Forza a better racer. This is the first time they ever said Forza better sim. People who love sim racers owe it to themselves to play Forza 5.

Forget the politics, Forza 5 is where its at right now on console.

Nice to see that the Cloud keeps improving the AI..


Face the future.. Gamecenter ID: nikkom_nl (oh no he didn't!!) 

Forza has always been a true sim racer. They only people that say different are the ones who just don't want to give the game the props it deserves. Forza has made all other racing games totally irrelevant.

Vasto said:
Forza has always been a true sim racer. They only people that say different are the ones who just don't want to give the game the props it deserves. Forza has made all other racing games totally irrelevant.

SO much ignorance is that claim, so so much. 

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bananaking21 said:
Vasto said:
Forza has always been a true sim racer. They only people that say different are the ones who just don't want to give the game the props it deserves. Forza has made all other racing games totally irrelevant.

SO much ignorance is that claim, so so much. 

It hasn't?

This is the series I will miss the most swapping from Microsoft to Sony. I used to love me some Forza and especially now that it has my second favorite circuit Mt Panorama and my favorite F1 team's car.



        Wii FC: 6440 8298 7583 0720   XBOX GT: WICK1978               PSN: its_the_wick   3DS: 1676-3747-7846                                          Nintendo Network: its-the-wick

Systems I've owned: Atari 2600, NES, SNES, GBColor, N64, Gamecube, PS2, Xbox, GBAdvance, DSlite, PSP, Wii, Xbox360, PS3, 3DS, PSVita, PS4, 3DS XL, Wii U

The best quote I've seen this year:

Angelus said: I'm a moron

Wright said:
bananaking21 said:
Vasto said:
Forza has always been a true sim racer. They only people that say different are the ones who just don't want to give the game the props it deserves. Forza has made all other racing games totally irrelevant.

SO much ignorance is that claim, so so much. 

It hasn't?


What he said.

When it comes to sim racing, these guys are the final authority as far as I'm concerned. Hey, I remember they were doing a GT5 vs Forza 4 comparison. How did that one turn out?

wick said:
This is the series I will miss the most swapping from Microsoft to Sony. I used to love me some Forza and especially now that it has my second favorite circuit Mt Panorama and my favorite F1 team's car.

I'll miss you to. I used to love challenging your  Rival times. You were a good racer. You should get an Xbox One. Lots of great games coming and Forza 5 is sweet.