My cousin, who had to buy a WiiU after playing Nintendo Land, kept asking me if the eShop (she saw I had Edge on my WiiU) was full of free mobile games. I told her that only a handful of games were exactly in the "mobile" price range at the time (mainly from the launch sales from Two Tribes, plus the freemium TankTankTank).
The weird thing is that she was expecting this due to the Gamepad controller and the mobile culture in kids these days... and I was thinking with Nintendo weighing future options, if they would develop further in this direction? Instead of releasing those games on the App Store, that many analyst want them to do, they could push their own digital eShop even further with their franchises but in lighter form and even more gameplay focused. Maybe not go fully into mobile type pricing, but a Steam kind of catalogue with loads of digital content and sales.
This together with Nintendo's VC collection, and content that is finally tied to your account, could make the digital jump much more accessible. EDIT: And create an intermediate entry level between mobile and retail games.