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Forums - Gaming Discussion - gamrConnect's 300 Greatest Games of All Time

Michael-5 said:

If it wasn't for your threads I'd be gone a long time ago. I joined VGC for the "Most Wanted" threads. I stayed for the "Vote your top 50 games ever" threads.

I was going to post an insightful and meaningful reply, but then I remembered I have to beat others over the head with Gran Turismo vs. Forza graphical comparisons and spread the glory of my console exclusives, despite the fact that they aren't actually very good (but they're exclusive!).

*maniacal laughter*

Yeah, I'll stop now. I'm tired. And Dragon Age: Origins isn't finished installing yet. -_-

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Great list! I certainly disagree with a lot of things(lol Nintendo fans what did you do?!?!?) but overall it's great.

The Vita list is just a joke though. Unit 13 is listed, but Uncharted GA isn't. I wish I could have noticed the voting threads and made my opinion heard cause that's just wrong!

JoeTheBro said:
Great list! I certainly disagree with a lot of things(lol Nintendo fans what did you do?!?!?) but overall it's great.

The Vita list is just a joke though. Unit 13 is listed, but Uncharted GA isn't. I wish I could have noticed the voting threads and made my opinion heard cause that's just wrong!

Well, that's only because Unit 13 is a much better game.

Smeags said:

@Outlaw and Yo_John

Thanks guys. I think you two deserve the "fashionably late" award.

Hey I was just going by my personal procrastination creed of "The first shall be last, and the last shall be first." 

So in the event that an arbitrary count was done I'd be like top three or something awesome like that!

So happy to have played about 260 of these. Order can be debated all day but overall the list made me smile throughout

PSN: Saugeen-Uwo     Feel free to add me (put Vg Chartz as MSG)!

Nintendo Network ID: Saugeen-Uwo

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Iveyboi said:
So happy to have played about 260 of these. Order can be debated all day but overall the list made me smile throughout

Reading this is what makes the time and effort spent worth it. Respect.

A lot of hard work put in to this............ i applaud you Smeags.

A fair few of those SEGA games deserve higher positions (noteably Shenmue, Streets of Rage 2 plus Sonic & Knuckles)

Then again, this site isn't known for it's rich amount of SEGA fans, so just to see them in the top 300 is nice.

Some games deserve higher others lower. Overall great list.

Awwwwwwww yeah, DS no.1!!!!




By the way, Gears of War 2 > Gears of War 3, people? And Gears of War 3 didn't even made it to the Top 20 360 games? WTF!

Awesome work, Smeags-chan. You deserve a massage n_n