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Forums - Sony Discussion - IGN - Sony's Yoshida on Wii U, CHANGING YOUR PSN NAME

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I enjoy hearing things like this, maybe something fanboys of all kind should listen to. I'm a person who believe in friendly competition, who believe in all three consoles thriving in the market. That's why I want Nintendo to o well, I don't want them to leave the console business. More consoles mean more open gaming possibility to the consumer.

Don’t follow the hype, follow the games


Here a little quote I want for those to keep memorize in your head for this coming next gen.                            

 By: Suke

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I don't have time to watch this now, but him saying his name at the beginning was hilarious :P

Tagging for later.

Shuhei for president :D/

Intel Core i7 3770K [3.5GHz]|MSI Big Bang Z77 Mpower|Corsair Vengeance DDR3-1866 2 x 4GB|MSI GeForce GTX 560 ti Twin Frozr 2|OCZ Vertex 4 128GB|Corsair HX750|Cooler Master CM 690II Advanced|

This interview was one of the best already made in the videogame story... so good.

This is a summary from GAF.

  • Shu happy being the face of playstation (@Yosp). Enjoys that everyday is a "catastrophe". New DRM "Sony, You lied!" Yosp feels his twitter presence contributes which is why he likes it so much
  • Shu's never gotten in trouble by Sony PR for what he tweets but his wife is another story
  • PS4 has been a long project, almost 5 years. Considering original aims, "close to 80-90%" of functionality aimed for.
  • PS4 Pre-orders obviously outstripping past PS launches. Sony feels good about future of PS4 against early quips by analysts that consoles had no place
  • Part of the reason there is no mp3 at launch is because we were focusing on games. So when people found out they freaked out it was a little funny, because it was not a priority. Stolen from Ami
  • If the lack of MP3 support is the worst part of the PS4 launch then PS4 is in a good spot
  • Can't change PSN name still due to it being complicated. Engineers say that it is problematic. Original system does not work like an "excel spreadsheet". "Not designed that way". "Not impossible". Will keep looking into it.
  • PS4 is a system that is flexible and future-proof. Part of this future-proofing is to reserve memory.
  • Sony believed GDDR5 was needed for next-gen performance. Decision for 8GB was a big decision due to cost. Not only for great games but for system software guys. Leave some room in the CPU, GPU, memory for these guys to add future features
  • Sub-accounts want to become Master accounts. Sony felt that the inability to do this was unfair. Looking into it.
  • What changed at Playstation? [Greg's been pushing this question the whole interview ")] [Around the 12:20 mark, hard to understand] Part of that is that the business side always gets pressure from investors to go for better financial performance, so you should use that position to make your competitiveness even stronger. Shu seems to be alluding to a prior corporate culture at Sony leading to complacency during the PS3 era. But this [complacency] "comes in circles". "Because we went through the difficult time of launching PS3, we learned a lot, especially in the US. We are catching up to other companies in terms of other companies. Some network features." Sony now has a "Challenger" mentality "like when we first entered the industry". Back then Sony had a "big idea". VCRs had a 40% install base, video games consoles had a much smaller install base. "We can double that". During the PS1 time, Sony didn't really know much about the business and took cues from other companies at the time. Approaching the launch of PS4 was like how we approached the launch of PS1
  • Shu has 2 Wii U's. Enjoys playing them with his daughters. "Nintendo make pretty fun family friendly games" :)
  • "Success depends on how you set your goal. I don't know what Nintendo's goal with the WII U was. " Shu found it confusing that Nintendo seems to have not focused the Wii U to induct non-players [make players] like with a lot of their past consoles. Console is good but message of "for core gamers" was confusing. This year Nintendo have improved their messaging and gotten back on message.
  •  Do you [Shu] think ipads/tablets are hurting Nintendo? I think if you look at how Nintendo and Apple induct non-players into gaming, nintendo and apple are pretty much in the same group. Playstation doesn't necessarily fit into that group. We [Sony] need nintendo to be very successful in inducting new players who like to play games with controllers because we [sony] believe games with non-touch only controllers are great.

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My favorite person in gaming. He always seems open and honest. I get the impression that he really, actually is on the side of the gamer. Thank cats that he's the "face" of Playstation in the west rather than Jack Tretton.

 He seems pretty happy with his Wii U. Funny watching him defending Nintendo. I liked his "we need Nintendo to be successful" statement.  He added later "and Microsoft, as well."

Edit:  Regarding tablet/smartphone games, "If all the games are touched based--I don't want to live in that world."  well said, Shu.

ethomaz said:
This interview was one of the best already made in the videogame story... so good.

He also started another interview by saying "BEYOND!" , a thing Greg miller always says in his podcast.

PullusPardus said:

He also started another interview by saying "BEYOND!" , a thing Greg miller always says in his podcast.

Yeah but the surprise was Shu answering "Shu Yoshid!"... Greg didn't expect that

Suke said:

I enjoy hearing things like this, maybe something fanboys of all kind should listen to. I'm a person who believe in friendly competition, who believe in all three consoles thriving in the market. That's why I want Nintendo to o well, I don't want them to leave the console business. More consoles mean more open gaming possibility to the consumer. 

post the youtube link , the IGN player is crap,

pokoko said:

My favorite person in gaming. He always seems open and honest. I get the impression that he really, actually is on the side of the gamer. Thank cats that he's the "face" of Playstation in the west rather than Jack Tretton.

 He seems pretty happy with his Wii U. Funny watching him defending Nintendo. I liked his "we need Nintendo to be successful" statement.  He added later "and Microsoft, as well."

Edit:  Regarding tablet/smartphone games, "If all the games are touched based--I don't want to live in that world."  well said, Shu.

He thinks Nintendo create new gamers... like they approuch non-gamers to start a play games... so after these people got into the videogame culture they start to look for a little more core games... so PlayStation is benefited because Nintendo make non-gamers looks at the games on PS consoles too.

I think it is right... Nintendo do a great job in the videogame industry... the Wii U was a exception because I think Nintendo make some mistakes in how they sell/delivered the console... I think Nintendo will come strong again in the new gen close to 2020

A lot of casual Wii owners are gamers today... that's the point.