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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Battlefield 4′s Campaign is about 4 Hours Long

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According to Redditor BoomerFTW, it only took him just over 4 hours to beat Battlefield 4‘s single player campaign on normal difficulty.

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What do you guys think?

0331 Happiness is a belt-fed weapon

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Pathetic neglect of single-player, but it's not like I expected some epic SP from a modern FPS.

Unacceptable if true, but unsurprising given how garbage Battlefield 3's campaign was.

I miss single player.

Having said that, I wouldn't buy BF anyway, I like my FPS to be either sci-fi or crime-thriller.


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Xen said:
Pathetic neglect of single-player, but it's not like I expected some epic SP from a modern FPS.

 With a game like Killzone: Shadow Fall being confirmed to have a 10 + hour SP on top of robust MP and (soon) Co-op, that's kindof an unfair view. Modern FPS titles aren't the problem. It's super lazy devs that are too focused on one aspect of the game to deliver a proper full experience, despite the fact that people are paying $60 for their product. I mean it's not like the last one sold well over 15 million copies or anything... DICE is just following the same path as CoD at this point, hence why Killzone is my choice for a next gen launch FPS. Hopefully more people read into this and do the same, because, really, GG and that series deserve some love at this point.

0331 Happiness is a belt-fed weapon

I miss the days Dice didn't even bother making a single player for their games.

"Defeating a sandwich, only makes it tastier." - Virginia

it could have easily skipped SP, so be happy there's something

Why not just get rid of it all together? I mean 4 hours is nothing...

Xen said:
Pathetic neglect of single-player, but it's not like I expected some epic SP from a modern FPS.

Bioshock Infinite says hello.

Though not so recent the orignial Modern Warfare, Bioshock, Portal 2 (not in my opinion but most people really loved it) all had epic SP.