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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - SPOILERS! Update: Chart of Mostly All New Pokemon in X/Y Leak Thread (Enter at Your Own Risk!)

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Seriously! Im so jelous he might spoil it all! Post pics if new leaks come in ok!!!


Pokemon Domination Starts Now (o.O)


★Central Dex



001: Chespin (Grass)

002: Quilladin (Grass)

003: Chesnaught (Grass/Fighting)

004: Fennekin (Fire)

005: Braixen (Fire)

006: Delphox (Fire/Psychic)

007: Froakie (Water)

008: Frogadier (Water)

009: Greninja (Water/Dark)

010: Bunnelby (Normal)

011: Diggersby (Normal/Ground)

012: Zigazagoon

013: Linoone

014: Fletchling (Normal/Flying)

015: Fletchinder (Fire/Flying)

016: Talonflame (Fire/Flying)

017: Pidgey

018: Pidgeotto

019: Pidgeot

020: Scatterbug (Bug)

021: Spewpa (Bug)

022: Vivillon (Bug/Flying)

023: Caterpie

024: Metapod

025: Butterfree

026: Weedle

027: Kakuna

028: Beedrill

029: Pansage

030: Simisage

031: Pansear

032: Simisear

033: Panpour

034: Simipour

035: Pichu

036: Pikachu

037: Raichu

038: Bidoof

039: Bibarel

040: Dunsparce

041: Azurill (Normal/Fairy)

042: Marill (Water/Fairy)

043: Azumarill (???)

044: Burmy

045: Wormadam

046: Mothim

047: Surskit

048: Masquerain

049: Magikarp

050: Gyarados

051: Corphish

052: Crawdaunt

053: Goldeen

054: Seaking

055: Carvanha

056: Sharpedo

057: Litleo (Fire/Normal)


058: Pyroar (Fire/Normal)

059: Psyduck

060: Golduck

061: Farfetch'd

062: Riolu

063: Lucario

064: Ralts

065: Kirlia

066: Gardevoir (Psychic/Fairy)

067: Gallade

068: Flabébé (Fairy)

069: Floette (???)

070: Florges (???)

071: Budew

072: Roselia

072: Roserade

074: Ledyba

075: Ledian

076: Combee

077: Vespiquen

078: Skitty

079: Delcatty

080: Bulbasaur

081: Ivysaur

082: Venusaur

083: Charmander

084: Charmeleon

085: Charizard

086: Squirtle

087: Wartortle

088: Blastoise

089: Skiddo (Grass)

090: Gogoat (Grass)

091: Pancham (Fighting)

092: Pangoro (Fighting/Dark)

093: Furfrou (Normal)

094: Doduo

095: Dodrio

096: Plusle

097: Minun

098: Gulpin

099: Swalot

100: Scraggy

101: Scrafty


102: Abra

103: Kadabra

104: Alakazam

105: Oddish

106: Gloom

107: Vileplume

108: Bellossom

109: Sentret

110: Furret

111: Nincada

112: Ninjask

113: Shedinja

114: Espurr (Psychic)

115: Meowstic (Psychic)

116: Kecleon

117: Honedge (Steel/Ghost)

118: Doublade (Steel/Ghost)

119: Aegislash (Steel/Ghost)

120: Venipede

121: Whirlipede

122: Scolipede


124: Smeargle

125: Croagunk

126: Toxicroak

127: Ducklett

128: Swanna

129: Spritzee (Fairy)

130: Aromatisse (Fairy)

131: Swirlix (Fairy)

132: Slurpuff (Fairy)

133: Volbeat

134: Illumise

135: Hoppip

136: SKiploom

137: Jumpluff

138: Munchlax

139: Snorlax

140: Whismur

141: Loudred

142: Exploud

143: Meditite

144: Medicham

145: Zubat

146: Golbat

147: Crobat

148: Axew

149: Fraxure

150: Haxorus

★Coastal Dex






001: Drifloon

002: Drifblim

003: Mienfoo

004: Mienshao

005: Zangoose

006: Seviper

007: Spoink

008: Grumpig

009: Absol

010: Inkay (Dark/Psychic)

011: Malamar (Dark/Psychic)

012: Lunatone

013: Solrock

014: Bagon

015: Shelgon

016: Salamence

017: Wingull

018: Pelipper



021: Binacle (Rock/Water)

022: Barbaracle (Rock/Water)

023: Dwebble

024: Crustle

025: Tentacool

026: Tentacruel

027: Wailmer

028: Wailord

029: Luvdisc

030: Skrelp (Poison/Water)

031: Confirmed, But No Name Yet (???)

032: Clauncher (Water)

033: Clawitzer (Water)

034: Staryu

035: Starmie

036: Shellder

037: Cloyster

038: Qwilfish

039: Horsea

040: Seadra

041: Kingdra

042: Relicanth

043: Sandile

044: Krokorok

045: Krookodile

046: Helioptile (Electric/Normal)

047: Heliolisk (Electric/Normal)

048: Hippopotas

049: Hippowdon

050: Rhyhorn

051: Rhydon

052: Rhyperior

053: Onix

054: Steelix


055: Woobat

056: Swoobat

057: Machop

058: Machoke

059: Machamp

060: Cubone

061: Marowak

062: Kangaskhan

063: Mawile (Steel/Fairy)

064: Tyrunt (Rock/Dragon)

065: Tyrantrum (Rock/Dragon)

066: Amaura (Rock/Ice)

067: Aurorus (Rock/Ice)

068: Aerodactyl

069: Ferroseed

070: Ferrothorn

071: Snubbull (???)

072: Granbull (???)

073: Electrike

074: Manectric

075: Houndour

076: Houndoom

077: Eevee

078: Vaporeon

079: Jolteon

080: Flareon

081: Espeon

082: Umbreon

083: Leafeon

084: Glaceon

085: Sylveon (Fairy)

086: Emolga

087: Yanma

088: Yanmega

089: Hawlucha (Fighting/Flying)

090: Sigilyph

091: Golett

092: Golurk

093: Nosepass

094: Probopass

095: Makuhita

096: Hariyama

097: Throh

098: Sawk






104: Nidoran F

105: Nidorina


06: Nidoqueen

107: Nidoran M

108: Nidorino

109: Nidoking

110: Dedenne (Electric/Fairy)

111: Chingling

112: Chimecho

113: Mime Jr. (???)

114: Mr. Mime (Psychic/Fairy)

115: Solosis

116: Duosion

117: Reuniclus

118: Wynaut

119: Wobbuffet

120: Roggenrola

121: Boldore

122: Gigalith

123: Sableye

124: Carbink (Rock/Fairy)

125: Tauros

126: Miltank

127: Mareep

128: Flaaffy

129: Ampharos

130: Pinsir

131: Heracross

132: Pachirisu

133: Slowpoke

134: Slowbro

135: Slowking

136: Exeggcute

137: Exeggutor

138: Chatot

139: Mantyke

140: Mantine




144: Remoraid

145: Octillery


147: Chinchou

148: Lanturn


150: Lapras




Around the Network

You can find all these pkemon before 1st badge


Farfetch'd (trade bunnelby for)

Hopefully Surskit gets another evolution. We can use a proper Water/Bug.

That player has a Wii U in their bedroom
Chespin is the Spiny Nut Pokémon, its Pokédex entry is “The quills on its head are usually soft. When it flexes them, the points become so hard and sharp that they can pierce rock.“
There is a special shop that sells only Poké Balls
Fletchling #014, the Tiny Robin Pokémon has to evolution stages — “These friendly Pokémon send signal to one another with beautiful chirps and tail-feather movements.”
There are shops that specialise in hats and accessories, you can change your clothes in the Pokémon Center
Caterpie is #023 in the Kalos Dex
There is a Hiker who will trade his Farfetch’d for Bunnelby
You receive the roller skates before the first Gym
Viola is the first Gym Leader, she gives out the Bug Badge and TM 83, Infestation.
Vivillon is #022 in the (Central) Kalos Dex, Litleo is #057 and has one stage.

Salnax said:
Hopefully Surskit gets another evolution. We can use a proper Water/Bug.

Yes yes yes! Water is my favorite type! I want a proper bug/water pls!

Around the Network

I'll keep posting and putgood stuff in the op guys!

Quilladin #002, “It relies on its sturdy shell to deflect predators’ attack. It counteracts with its sharp quills.”

Well don't post them here, why are you posting it hear >:/

Don’t follow the hype, follow the games


Here a little quote I want for those to keep memorize in your head for this coming next gen.                            

 By: Suke

Suke said:
Well don't post them here, why are you posting it hear >:/

it has the word leaks and spoilers in the op! Thats the best i can do! Some people want this info! Stay away...... I know its hard! The temptation