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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - [Question] Have anyone been playing SteamWorld Dig (3DS eShop)?

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I read a couple of good reviews on this game (SteamWorld Dig), getting a few nine's and heard its really fun. Did any one buy this game yet, what do you think about it because I was thinking about buying it. It's the second in the SteamWorld series, first one was on the DSi Ware as a tower defense like game and it was well recieve then. Sort of remind me of Minecraft and Terraria. I would like to see more games like this to come to Nintendo platforms.


Audio Interview:

Don’t follow the hype, follow the games


Here a little quote I want for those to keep memorize in your head for this coming next gen.                            

 By: Suke

Around the Network

I'll check it out, did it just come to eShop? Reminded me of Dillon Western Roll lol (the character's appearance

tbone51 said:
I'll check it out, did it just come to eShop? Reminded me of Dillon Western Roll lol (the character's appearance

Last thursday World Wide on the eShop. Here's an audio interview of the head director of the game, if interested.


Don’t follow the hype, follow the games


Here a little quote I want for those to keep memorize in your head for this coming next gen.                            

 By: Suke

Saw a pretty glowing review but not sure if I can afford another game even eShop right now.

I got this game, actually. It's a fun game, has its similarities with Terraria and Minecraft. It definitely has the feeling of progression in the game, but if you're expecting a game that will last you more than just a couple of hours until you beat it, Steamworld Dig isn't the game for you.