pezus said:
Horrorfest said:
bonkers555 said: Good list of games but garbage prices. |
You must be trolling. Ratchet and Clank collection for $15? Should I go for it? Also, I already have the Jak collection but it's very odd that Sony doesn't do a sale for Jak & Daxter considering these are all supposed to be series that link to PS All Stars...
Yeah I'm not sure why anyone would think these prices are garbage. Especially if you have PS Plus. I mean Sly Cooper just came out a few months ago and it's available here for $19.99 and then you have the MGS games for $5-$10 and all of the collections for very cheap.
I think you should go for R&C yeah. If you haven't played them especially.
You guys are kidding right? I got a DS3 bundle with R&C collection (the box bundle with a Dual Shock 3 controller and physical game) for $34.99 at Fry's less then a month ago. Both Sly and Ratchet and Clank collection sometimes go on sale on Amazon for $19.93 regularly. If you guys feel that saving $5.00 on a digital game then power to you. To me its a garbage sale price.
Edit: Sly Thieves in Time retail new for $39.99 (launch price) and sometime on sale for $29.99 at GameStop and Amazon and it's include both PS3 and Vita version for that price. It will be a few months when it drop to the sweet spot at $19.99. Sly Collection is currently on Amazon for $19.99 new.
God of War Saga retail new from $29.99 to $39.99. That's include God of War 3, God of War Origins and God of War Collection. That's cheaper then sale price.
BioShock Rapture which include BioShock 1 and BioShock 2 PLUS ALL DLC from both games retail new from $19.99 to $29.99. That's a better then deal then the sale price.