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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - NSMB2 Coin Collecting Thread

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Alright Guys. Everybody who cares has probably got New Super Mario Bros. 2 by now. What I haven't seen though is a thread devoted to the coin collecting part of the game. You know, stuff like how to get a lot of coins, Coin Rush records, total numbers of coins, etc.

I'll go first. My highest coin count for any stage is 6,376 coins for World 1-1. However, I still only have about 59,000 coins, and a Coin Rush record of 2,900 or so. What about you?

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Ive done world 1 and the toad secret world, currently halfway through world 2. My total coin collection is around 12,000 and i have all the star coins so far too. Havent tried coin rush mode yet, but thats when i will start racking up some serious coins. Great game.

ill post later when i finish my todays play
reaching world 3 but have some big coins left....

I had to.

Soleron said:

I had to.

What do those numbers mean?

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RolStoppable said:
The golden flower is essential. In a lot of stages you can earn a lot of coins by doing loops. Going down a pipe will make all enemies respawn, so you can rack up coins until time starts to run out.

Level 2-4 seems to be the best place to collect coins, because you don't have to go through pipes all the time. After the checkpoint you can go down a pipe where Goombas keep coming out of pipes. Let the leftmost walk to the left as much as possible and then kill them one after another with a series of jumps without touching the ground (golden flower required, obviously). Repeat until time starts to run out. It's not hard to get 8,000+ coins everytime you play the level.

Level 2-4 is the level with my best high score (8,800 something). I collected over 250,000 coins by now. I have only played coin rush twice so far, because it's such a pointless mode the way it's set up. I think my record in this mode is only around 2,000 coins. I find it more interesting to increase my scores for each level in the regular mode, although even that is quite tiresome. Despite all the coins in this game and numerous tricks to get a few hundred coins within seconds, a total of 1m is still insane.

Well, I disagree about Coin Rush Mode. It has added a lot of replay value for me at least. I'm already 150,177 coins, even though I only finished World 1 & 2 mostly due to coin rush, but also since I like to play slowly and explore every single corner in each level (I've only had the game for like 4 days now). My record in coin rush is 10,116 coins.

However, My scores per level are not that high. My highest is a measly 1097 coins in level 1-A :(

Finished teh first 5 worlds with all stars coins... 313,587 coins in total.

Highest Coin Rush amount is 11897 Or 11789 need to check....

I found all secret exit so far... and I will star teh special worlds before world 6.

only 3 spot coin rush pass.

Most played level is world 1 tower.... used to save each time I need... I do not want to use a quick saving in case if will impact any star/shiny score...

I have unlock only 3 times the "Raimbow Bonus Stage"... and i still not understanding How does it work and why????


yeah i do not understand the highest level score??? You calculate in total overall or just a 1 off?

If overall I think worl 1-3 has the most must be around 25,000... In one off my max is 1.087 in world 5-C (or B, the one with the gold ship)


fedfed said:

I have unlock only 3 times the "Raimbow Bonus Stage"... and i still not understanding How does it work and why????

It's based on the amount of time left when you finish a stage. The timer has to end with 11 in World 1, 22 in World 2, and so on.

Im in the 3rd world
11000 coins so far
great game