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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nintendo Q1 - $221m loss on of revenue $1.08bn. Shipments: 1.86m 3DS, 710k Wii, 540k DS


Wii nos will be disappointing. 3DS should be good though.

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kowenicki said:

Nintendo cash reserves fell from $10bn to $5.9bn in the 12 months to March 2012, that needs to slow down dramatically.

What has caused that?  3DS price cut, slow Wii sales & exchange rate?  Quite a significant loss of reserves.

edit: I suppose Wii-U R&D as well.

I cant wait to see the Wii numbers / expectations.


Nintendo stock hit a new generational low (lowest I've seen it ever) in Japan, so dont expect things to be robust.

Year on Year declines on software sales for both the Wii and DS will trump any advance for the 3DS, couple that with weak markets in Europe and the US, couple that with a Euro/Yen exchange rate currently at 94.7 (Nintendo anticipated 105, the average for the quarter is well below 100) and you have the makings of a weak quarter.

kowenicki said:

Nintendo will publish its Q1 FY 2012 results (April 1st to June 30th) on July 25th, approximately 3pm JST.


Q1 Expectations?

Nintendo forecast a return to profit this full year (ending march 2013) to the tune of about $250m, so we can expect a loss this quarter again I think, as most of this profit will come in qtr3 and qtr4.

Nintendo cash reserves fell from $10bn to $5.9bn in the 12 months to March 2012, that needs to slow down dramatically.

Nintendo profit forecast will include their currency forecasts, which while better than Sony's are still off the mark: Yen/Dollar 80 (actual 78 to 79) and yen/Euro 105 (actual 95 and falling), so this will compound any losses this quarter by some margin.

Nintendo forecast full year shipments (to March 2013) of:

DS: 2.5m

3DS: 18.5m

Wii: 10.5m  (including WiiU)


So I'm not sure this is all going to look too good. 

I predict they will be missing their shipment targets 3DS and Wii and that they may review down their earnings forecast for the whole year.  All in all, I think this is a very, very tricky year for Nintendo.


What do you all think?

How much money is Nintendo losing on every 3DS exactly? this is crazy. I had no idea it was this bad.

Until you've played it, every game is a system seller!

the original trolls

Wii FC: 4810 9420 3131 7558
MHTri: name=BOo BoO/ID=BZBLEX/region=US

mini-games on consoles, cinematic games on handhelds, what's next? GameBoy IMAX?

Official Member of the Pikmin Fan Club

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Isn't the 3DS forecast too optimistic? They must be expecting the XL/2D Mario combination to have a huge impact.

No troll is too much for me to handle. I rehabilitate trolls, I train people. I am the Troll Whisperer.

Tagging, hopefully this can be a polite financial thread from all sides.

I think they're in for a loss this quarter.

Big expectations for 3DS in Q2 and Q3 with NSMB2 and the holidays. Japan is delivering that's for sure, other markets not that much. Nintendo will want to change that real soon

kowenicki said:

The balance of cash and deposits was lowered primarily due to the facts that the payment for purchases of short-term and long term investment securities was made, that money provided mainly by collections of trade accounts receivable, which decreased due to the decline of net sales, fell short of the payments made for trade accounts payable, ordinary expenses, corporate income taxes and dividends, and that the yen was appreciated against the U.S. dollar and Euro.

what does he mean by investment securities?

Until you've played it, every game is a system seller!

the original trolls

Wii FC: 4810 9420 3131 7558
MHTri: name=BOo BoO/ID=BZBLEX/region=US

mini-games on consoles, cinematic games on handhelds, what's next? GameBoy IMAX?

Official Member of the Pikmin Fan Club

Well, they had to use just about half of their savings to cover losses. Yeah, I also expect this will go on after the holidays at most...

 And proud member of the Mega Mario Movement!