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Forums - Movies & TV - Watch & Rate The BATMAN (1989) -- Batman Film Celebration Week



0 - Worst movie ever 0 0%
1* - Poor film..even green lantern is better 0 0%
2* - Below Average 1 3.13%
3* - Average movie 5 15.63%
4* - Good film 16 50.00%
5* - Awesome movie!!! 10 31.25%


The movie that started it all. 

Released more than 20 years ago now Batman was a massive success at the time and led to Bat-Mania. 

With The Dark Knight Returns so close it's time to REWATCH the old Batman movies & rate them. Todays movie to rate is THE BATMAN!

I'm watching this later today!

If you remember it rate it, or watch it to hold you off till the sun RISES on July 20th! 



--------------- Burton's -------------------

12th July - The BATMAN (1989)

13th July - BATMAN RETURNS (1992)

Then we will move on...

--------------- Animated Series/Movies ------------

14th July - BATMAN : Mask Of Phantasm

15th July - BATMAN : The Animated Series 

Moving on...

--------------- Schumacher's -------------------

16th July - BATMAN FOREVER (1995)

17th July - BATMAN & ROBIN (1997)

And finally

--------------- Nolan's -------------------

18th July - BATMAN BEGINS (2005)

19th July - THE DARK KNIGHT (2008)

20th July - THE DARK KNIGHT RISES (2012)

So we will begin with BATMAN today & end with THE DARK KNIGHT RISES rating thread on 20th July...exciting times are ahead for us fellow rodents! 

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

Around the Network

I watched this movie all the time during my childhood! I remember pretty much every scene of this movie in detail and must say that its excellence is extremely difficult to match.



Edit: Gave it five stars in the poll.

Why did you skip the nanananana batman batman

BTW i'm also gonna watch the batman animated series who's with me


Bet with gooch_destroyer, he wins if FFX and FFX-2 will be at $40 each for the vita. I win if it dont

Sign up if you want to see God Eater 2 get localized!!

So for BATMAN (1989) the Batsuit looked like this:

The Batmobile looked like this:

I love the yellow Batman icon on the it's terrible if we look at how stealthy the suit should be at times...but it looks nice :D
I think this is the best looking looks like a batmobile not like a tank (like in nolans) & it doesn't look like a glowing fairy car (like in schumachers).
Can't wait to watch the movie!!! 

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

SnakeDrake said:
Why did you skip the nanananana batman batman

BTW i'm also gonna watch the batman animated series who's with me

Didn't know if it was easily available for viewing lol.

I'd love to watch the animated series too.

I forgot Mask Of The Phantasm...I'll add that in. 

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

Around the Network

Good movie, loved it at the time. A more than excellent soundtrack!

darthdevidem01 said:
SnakeDrake said:
Why did you skip the nanananana batman batman

BTW i'm also gonna watch the batman animated series who's with me

Didn't know if it was easily available for viewing lol.

I'd love to watch the animated series too.

I forgot Mask Of The Phantasm...I'll add that in. 

You can find the full movies in Youtube but it think its best if we skip those ;)

Anyways it odd that you put the Mask Of The Phantasm before the animated series but oh well


Bet with gooch_destroyer, he wins if FFX and FFX-2 will be at $40 each for the vita. I win if it dont

Sign up if you want to see God Eater 2 get localized!!

SnakeDrake said:
darthdevidem01 said:
SnakeDrake said:
Why did you skip the nanananana batman batman

BTW i'm also gonna watch the batman animated series who's with me

Didn't know if it was easily available for viewing lol.

I'd love to watch the animated series too.

I forgot Mask Of The Phantasm...I'll add that in. 

You can find the full movies in Youtube but it think its best if we skip those ;)

Anyways it odd that you put the Mask Of The Phantasm before the animated series but oh well

Batman The Movie with Adam West is one of the funniest movies ever.  It's so shockingly cheesy that most people can't handle it. 

pezus said:

I think I will only be re-watching BB and TDK, so I'll be here when the time comes. Oh, and I will go to a midnight pre-release of TDKR (19th/20th July, film will "officially" start showing on the 25th)!! Can't wait. 

Why only those? 

At least watch Batman & Robin...we don't get slapstick cheap comedy like that nowadays. 

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

At the time, I thought it was amazing. It doesn't hold up as well, though. I bought a $10 DVD from K-Mart a few years back with all of the non-Nolan movies on one two sided disc. Had a bit of a Batman marathon. I'll try to watch them again before The Dark Knight Rises but I know I won't make it through them all. I'll definitely watch the Nolan movies, though. Hell, I watch TDK almost monthly, anyway.

And, when we do discuss The Dark Knight, maybe somebody can answer this question for me: Why didn't any of the school buses from that bank robbery in the beginning of the movie call somebody on the radio? They could have said, "Dispatcher, the bus in front of me just drove out of a fucking bank and I passed ten police cars going to that same bank. Is this unusual?"

The movie would have been ten minutes long.