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At the time, I thought it was amazing. It doesn't hold up as well, though. I bought a $10 DVD from K-Mart a few years back with all of the non-Nolan movies on one two sided disc. Had a bit of a Batman marathon. I'll try to watch them again before The Dark Knight Rises but I know I won't make it through them all. I'll definitely watch the Nolan movies, though. Hell, I watch TDK almost monthly, anyway.

And, when we do discuss The Dark Knight, maybe somebody can answer this question for me: Why didn't any of the school buses from that bank robbery in the beginning of the movie call somebody on the radio? They could have said, "Dispatcher, the bus in front of me just drove out of a fucking bank and I passed ten police cars going to that same bank. Is this unusual?"

The movie would have been ten minutes long.