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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Did minecraft have any noticeable affect Xbox 360 sales???

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Did it have any affect?

Possibly 2 14.29%
I dont know but I sure di... 12 85.71%

As the question above. 

Did MCXBLA affect the hardware sales AT ALL??? 

You know since Minecraft somehow managed to SELL

-Enough copies to make the first hour profitable

-400K copies in 24 hours

-1 million copies in one week

-10 million in (Wait were not there yet lol)


So yeah, do you think it boosted the hardware sales at all? 



Around the Network

No, I do not...

One million copies week one! Where did you get these numbers?

Jay520 said:
One million copies week one! Where did you get these numbers? I wouldn't be surprised if those were shipped numbers.

SUUURREEE. Shipped numbers when its available in DIGITAL DISTRIBUTIONS ONLY. 


Jay520 said:
One million copies week one! Where did you get these numbers? I wouldn't be surprised if those were shipped numbers.

You gonna ship a digital game?... Stop trolling VGC bro. :P

Around the Network

You two think you're funny...changing my post like that.

let me tell you something: I been on this site for over two years. People know I wouldn't post crap like that. How the hell do you even ship a digital game?!?! It's absurd.

No but no problem, more people gonna buy this game in holidays when Xbox sales explode... Because of Price Drop.

I Expect 5M this year for Minecraft.

Jay520 said:
You two think you're funny...changing my post like that.

let me tell you something: I been on this site for over two years. People know I wouldn't post crap like that. How the hell do you even ship a digital game?!?! It's absurd.

Lol, I needz to take screenshots from now on...

But numbers from Nelson, so official. :p

Well that's good. Hopefully this serves as a testament to other developers that you can stay hardcore & focus on gameplay over graphics & still see massive success. Hopefully we stop seeing devs trying to "cater to a broader audience" now that they know the hardcore audience is rather large.

Over 1m sales in 6 days: