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Forums - Sony Discussion - Vgchartz ranking game--Heavy Rain!!


All you have to do is put what score you think the game below deserves, and write a brief explanation as to why it deserves that score.

Voting is open for 3 days, after the 3 day period I will count up all the scores and get the average of the game.  I will be putting up a new thread with a new game every 3 days



1. You had to have played at least enough of the game to form an honest opinion about it

(playing it for 5 minutes is NOT enough time, nor is watching a friend play the game)

2. Scores have to be on a 10 point scale with 7 being average.

3. If you score a game 5 or under, you have to go into great detail as to why you gave it such a low score.

4. A game must have at least 15 people that gave it a score to be counted.

5. If you score a game more than once none of your scores will count

6. Users with less than 50 posts cannot score a game.


Last game was Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood with a score of 9.00

Highest score was 10, lowest was 5


Today's game is Heavy Rain.

Vgchartz score -- 8.93

GamrReview score -- 9.1

Highest score was 10, lowest was 4.5


Vgchartz top 12 rated games




Rank Game Score
1 Uncharted 2: Among Thieves (PS3) 9.55
2 Metal Gear Solid 4 (PS3) 9.52
3 Street Fighter IV (Multi) 9.40
4 Super Mario Galaxy (Wii)
5 Donkey Kong Country Returns (Wii) 9.26
6 The Orange Box (Multi) 9.24
7 Halo Reach (360 9.23
8 The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (Wii) 9.16
9 Halo 3 (360) 9.13
10 Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Wii) 9.09
11 Mario Kart Wii (Wii) 9.04
12 Uncharted: Drakes Fortune (PS3) 9.03



 Next game is Fable 3

To view a list of all games from every game ranking thread click here.
Thanks to Blacksaber for the kick ass logo!

Around the Network

Since I haven't seen a trailer for it is it alright if I rate it by it's case?? So I'll just go ahed and give it a 4. Since it sucks :3

Sig thanks to Saber! :D 


interesting story (though with plot holes and I think not as good as Indigo Prophecy/Fahrenheit)
different endings
lots of different locations
likable characters (though I still hate Lauren Winter)
most of the time good graphics
good music


- bad, bad controls when walking
- some faces and animations look very akward
- relies a bit too much on QTEs

ClassicGamingWizzz said:
dsister said:

Since I haven't seen a trailer for it is it alright if I rate it by it's case?? So I'll just go ahed and give it a 4. Since it sucks :3


i give heavy rain a 8,5 /10 , it´s a good game.

He does this in every gameranking thread of mine now lol...its just all good fun (and if your worried I would add a joke score then don't because I won't)

CGI-Quality said:

Instead of giving an entire essay (which I promised VGC I'd give, but am still working on it), I'll just symbol and grade.

The game had it's ups and downs, but the downs are few and far between and it's brilliance rein (pun intended) supreme!

= 9.2/10

No 12/10 score? :P

Around the Network

I love heavy rain, i hate the situations the game puts me in and i love it for that. Knowing that if a charactor dies there dead make some of the scenes unbeliavably tense. The only problam is the gameplay is just abit to stiff  



solid 9.0 for me.

it was one of the greatest experiences on ps3 and it's also the reason i got a ps3 :) 

Try my new level at LittleBigPlanet: Amok's Cave ;D

Get your Portable ID!

Currently playing 
PS3: Uncharted 3, Resistance 3.
Wii: - 

Hyped for: The Last Guardian, Binary Domain.


So amazing.



Btw, it looks like nowadays' standards aren't the same as what they were back then when you started the VGC ranking game. I don't think DKCR would have made it so high.


A very good and an extremely enjoyable game.