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L9: Reaper(20,686 until level 10)
Bristow9091 "I'm back" ~ Peter Parker, 2004
  • A 32 year old male gamer
  • United Kingdom
  • Joined on August 2nd 2010, last online 2 days ago.
  • Profile Views: 44,197
  • Forum posts: 9,697 times which averages 2 posts per day
  • User Reviews: 0 reviews
  •   VG$ 6,250.00
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Badges: (view all)

13 Years Has been a VGChartz member for over 13 years.
Some Here, Some There Bank a Total of 5,000 VG$.
12 Years Has been a VGChartz member for over 12 years.
Making Progress Earned 50,000 gamrPoints
11 Years Has been a VGChartz member for over 11 years.
Dare To Do The Impossible 3,000 replies made to user's most popular thread.
Virtual Cop Dealt with (accepted or rejected) 500 reports.
10 Years Has been a VGChartz member for over 10 years.
A Civilized Man Managed to avoid being banned for 5 years.
One Of A Kind 1,000 replies made to user's most popular thread.
Happy Birthday Logged in on your birthday.
9 Years Has been a VGChartz member for over 9 years.
Shipped Or Sold? 15 comments posted on VGChartz sales articles.
The High Flyer Earned 40 badges.

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Height: 0'0

Zodiac sign: Scorpio

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