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    L8: Wraith(384 until level 9)
    Final-Fan Don't Forget To Save badge: 10 status updates Time to completion: 10 years
    • A 42 year old male gamer
    • United States, Minnesota
    • Joined on July 6th 2007, last online on 22 September 2019.
    • Profile Views: 37,931
    • Forum posts: 13,199 times which averages 2 posts per day
    • User Reviews: 0 reviews
    •   VG$ 6,118.14
    You have liked 34 posts.
    You have 21 liked posts.
    Your most liked post has 1 likes.

    Badges: (view all)

    17 Years Has been a VGChartz member for over 17 years.
    16 Years Has been a VGChartz member for over 16 years.
    15 Years Has been a VGChartz member for over 15 years.
    14 Years Has been a VGChartz member for over 14 years.
    13 Years Has been a VGChartz member for over 13 years.
    12 Years Has been a VGChartz member for over 12 years.
    Some Here, Some There Bank a Total of 5,000 VG$.
    The Nuts & Bolts Add a total of 25 games to your collection.
    One Piece at a Time Add your first game to your collection.
    Man or Robot? Managed to avoid being banned for 10 years.
    A Free Man Managed to avoid being banned for 2 years.
    A Civilized Man Managed to avoid being banned for 5 years.
    Breaking Out Managed to avoid being banned for 1 year.
    Ride Into the Sunset Managed to avoid being banned for 3 months.

    Final-Fan's Profile


    Education: H.S., some college

    University: Normandale CC

    Height: 6'1

    Eye colour: Green

    Hair colour: Brown

    Relationship status: Single

    Favourite Games:

    Apple II: Oregon Trail, Lode Runner
    NES: Super Mario Bros. 3, 1943, Life Force, Mega Man 2 & 3
    SNES: Super Mario World, Final Fantasy II/IV & III/VI, Chrono Trigger, Super Mario RPG, Zelda: A Link to the Past, Mario Paint
    Sega CD: Sonic CD, Lunar: The Silver Star
    N64: Super Mario 64, Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Perfect Dark, Super Smash Bros.
    PS1: Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, Final Fantasy Tactics, Final Fantasy VII & VIII, Einhander
    Dreamcast: Ikaruga
    GCN: Resident Evil 4, Super Smash Bros. Melee, Paper Mario: the Thousand Year Door, Metroid Prime
    XBX: Halo
    PC: StarCraft, Diablo II
    Current gen: I think I'll wait for the dust to settle before picking out the absolute favorites. But Galaxy will be among them.

    Favourite Music:

    Classic rock
    Game music
    Game music remixes at OCRemix

    Favourite Films:

    Among others:
    Pixar movies (can't really choose a front-runner);
    James Cameron movies (the Abyss has a special place for me);
    Miyazaki movies, particularly Princess Mononoke; and
    some Don Bluth movies, including The Land Before Time -- don't judge it by its sequels!

    Favourite Books:

    "Watership Down", by Richard Adams
    "The Lord of the Rings" (and "The Hobbit"), by J. R. R. Tolkien
    The Uplift series, by David Brin
    "The Postman", by David Brin
    "Iceworld", by Hal Clement
    "Mission of Gravity", by Hal Clement
    "Animal Farm", by George Orwell


    Reading, gaming, boardgaming, in that order. Yeah, I said it. Also anime and movies. Books, anime, and movies are mostly science fiction.

    About Me:

    Start date: the 6th of July, 2007.

    I'm partial to Nintendo but I go where the games are. I play computer games, but only a few that aren't made by Blizzard. I love to read books, particularly science fiction, and to play board games such as Axis & Allies, Civilization (original Avalon Hill, not Sid Meier!), Empire Builder games (like Eurorails), and, yes, Monopoly.

    Gaming History: Got an NES at age 6, and loved it. I also got every Nintendo system that came out other than Virtual Boy. Got a Genesis and Sega CD -- it rocks, and Sonic CD is the best Sonic! -- as well as a Game Gear, but was only vaguely aware that the Saturn existed. Got a Playstation and N64 at the same time. (Played the N64 more.) Never got an Xbox or PS2, though I did get to play through Halo and Halo 2 on Hard mode. Part of the reason was that I got seriously into StarCraft and Diablo II. Later it was various Internet timewasters (not porn or stupid Flash games, though!)

    Relatively recently: Got a used Dreamcast in 2005 (what a sad, beautiful swan song for Sega). Got a DS (and then a DS Lite). Got a 360 in 2005. (Ebay! Got another.) Preordered my Wii. Got a PS3 in December 2006. (I used it mostly to play PS2 games for the first year.) Got myself a PSP for Christmas 2007. I don't like having to pay for Xobx Live, so I don't.

    Game Stats

    • 30 total number of games
    • 0 games in common
    • average game rating
    • favourite console ( games)
    • Platform favourite genre (14 games)
    • 0% of games completed