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    L5: Zergling(4,517 until level 6)
    • A male gamer
    • Tokelau
    • Joined on January 17th 2008, last online on 27 April 2017.
    • Profile Views: 13,953
    • Forum posts: 3,812 times which averages 1 posts per day
    • User Reviews: 0 reviews
    •   VG$ 1,750.00
    Banned (Expires: 9th Jul 10)
    Permaban - Other (For the crimes of bathing wookies in Nair, stealing the kidneys of the last Unicorn, having a power level over 9000, and stealing baby Jesus from the manger without a license to kidnap you are hereby banished forever! ) ~ MaxwellGT2000
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    Badges: (view all)

    Cleanse The Wilderness 250 comments posted on VGChartz news articles.
    Hit And Run 15 comments posted on VGChartz news articles.
    Watch Your Back! Received 10,000 profile views.
    Littlest Genocide 1,000 posts on the gamrConnect forums.
    Leaving Limbo 100 posts on the gamrConnect forums.
    Making Friends 10 friends on gamrConnect.



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