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    L8: Wraith(1,926 until level 9)
    • A male gamer
    • Sweden, Skåne
    • Joined on December 17th 2007, last online on 29 September 2022.
    • Profile Views: 23,285
    • Forum posts: 3,192 times which averages 1 posts per day
    • User Reviews: 0 reviews
    •   VG$ 6,510.91
    You have liked 0 posts.
    You have 0 liked posts.

    Badges: (view all)

    16 Years Has been a VGChartz member for over 16 years.
    15 Years Has been a VGChartz member for over 15 years.
    The High Flyer Earned 40 badges.
    Escape Artist Managed to avoid being banned for 1 month.
    Ride Into the Sunset Managed to avoid being banned for 3 months.
    Vice Free Managed to avoid being banned for 6 months.
    Breaking Out Managed to avoid being banned for 1 year.
    A Free Man Managed to avoid being banned for 2 years.
    A Civilized Man Managed to avoid being banned for 5 years.
    Making Progress Earned 50,000 gamrPoints
    14 Years Has been a VGChartz member for over 14 years.
    13 Years Has been a VGChartz member for over 13 years.
    12 Years Has been a VGChartz member for over 12 years.
    Some Here, Some There Bank a Total of 5,000 VG$.

    VG$ Transaction List


    Height: 0'0

    Build: Other

    Eye colour: Brown

    Hair colour: Black

    Zodiac sign: Virgo

    Relationship status: Single


    Favourite Games:

    Golden Eye, All Super Mario games, Metroid, Tekken III, MGS, FF, .....TBC

    Favourite Music:

    Goa, Trance, Hip Hop and Rap are my absolute favorites but mostly I listen to almost all genres.

    Favourite Films:

    SW 1-6, Matrix I, Indiana Jones, Godfather, All Bruce Lee movies, Lord of the rings triology, Terminator 2, True Romance, Pulp Fiction .....TBC

    Favourite Books:

    Hitchkok, Lord of the rings triology, Narnia, Lucky Luck (comics), Tintin, ..... TBC

    Favourite Food:

    Greek and Italian food.


    I used to play soccer but haven´t for a while so at the moment no hobbies besides gaming and Poker.

    About Me:

    I am born and raised in south of Sweden, my father is from Italy and my mother from Greece and I have a stepfather from Denmark.

    I guess this makes me a posterchild for the EU :)

    I love gaming and have been playing since the dawn of gaming from Commodore vic 20,commodore 64 &128 and Amiga, zx spectrum, vectrex, Nes and the list can go on, you could say i´ve been playing since games were born for the people.

    I am a Nintendo supporter and I really dislike Sony but I love games and consoles too much to hate the PS family, my experience with MS has also been awesome.

    There is a place for all consoles but there is no place for a console less, if that happens the losers are WE the gamers.

    I am born AC Milan fan and will die as one.


    Game Stats

    • 216 total number of games
    • 0 games in common
    • average game rating
    • XB favourite console (52 games)
    • Platform favourite genre (47 games)
    • 0% of games completed