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LegitHyperbole said:

Anything that doesn't cause harm or lead to harm. If the people your defending who have a right to violently protest didn't have a voice or were so afraid of their Governemnt like in China where they actually get "disappeared" as someone said above you wouldn't see any of this for all the wrong reasons. You are for freedom of press but not free speech which is the backbone of freedom of press. And yes, someone can say something out of emotion or from a completely innocent perspective or even a bad joke and still be held to account as people like the KKK, putting neaurodivergent people at severe risk of these laws and you can't do two tier justice so no protections and also the beurocracy would not see a difference either way. And like I said before, our governments change, now those laws could work for you but in 10 years those laws could work very much against you and you could be put in jail for speaking undeniable objective facts that are clear for anyone with eyes to see. 

I know I don't have much in the way to give you in discussion but as I'm neurodivergent I fear getting banned for saying the wrong thing much like I and many will fear getting sent to jail for saying or doing the wrong thing (or acting the "wrong way" which is seen as creepy and can cause offence) should these laws, against all common sense, be put on paper. Also, don't give me the, if you've nothing hateful to say you won't be jailed but when laws become ridiculously wishy washy like the site rules here and on many other sites that are volunteer moderated anything can be taken as hateful or the judge can rule against someone based on their emotion or political stance and get away with it Scott free. 

This is the first brick in our modern western society that if pulled will cause a whole heap of other bricks to come tumbling down on top of us, war or no war and in the cyber age it's probable and logical to think that we may never get these freedoms back as, like you said protests in the past have been violent but violent protests have proved to do absolutely nothing in the age we live in, in fact it they help with control and governmental manipulation as we saw in Hong Kong. 

Tag me when the gun turns around the other way, religious zeolets have gained control of EU countries and have these laws to work with and you, a poor atheist who has posted all your opinions online gets life in jail for not having the right opinions retroactively. 

It really bothers me that you like to push around "neurodivergent" as a safeguard, when some of the people that I know, that are the most vocal about these kinds of things are neurodivergent. 

Having autism doesn't make someone say "Death to Ukrainians" or anything that vile. 

Having autism doesn't make someone put on a swastika. 

Last edited by the-pi-guy - 20 hours ago