chakkra said:
Imaginedvl said:
To be honnest; I do not understand at all the console war people. Even from the start (and hardcore Xbox fans may disagree with me); having Xbox games releasing on Play Station is a good thing for them lol... But instead of being happy about it; those idiots (the console wars freaks) are making this about how bad it is etc.. They do not understand that without Xbox and Nintendo, those idiots would be paying even more that what Sony is screwing them with right now... So instead of being happy about what Xbox is doing (granted, they would not do that if they would not be in that position since the Xbox One); they keep going at trying to downplay everything even if it is in their favor... Internet is just weird |
Could you remind again of those awesome benefits that Xbox One owners receive from having Hi-Fi Rush on Playstation instead of the platform they purchased? |
Maybe if Hifi Rush would have been on PlayStation and Switch at launch, things wouldn't have gone the way it did for Tango and Xbox. Could you remind us again why those games being on more platforms ruins the experience you have with Hifi Rush?