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SanAndreasX said:
Machiavellian said:

No they are not parrots.  This is a designed marketing scheme.  Expect to see social media flooded with stuff like this.

Another thing I've noticed is that the language the right uses in blaming Ukraine for being invaded by Russia sounds suspiciously similar to the language judges, police, right-wing politicians, and many everyday conservatives use in blaming rape victims. "Ukraine provoked Russia" has the same energy as "what was she wearing? What was her sexual history?"

Yes, that is the new theme right now is to paint Ukraine as the country that forced Russia to invade.  They conveniently forget that Russia has been the aggressor in the region for years.  Their next talking point is that Ukraine does not want peace because they are not willing to take peace when the only offer on the table is just a ceasefire.  Ceasefire means nothing to Putin since he has broken every single one of them.   Basically you are going to see all the talking points from Russia flood conservative media and influencers.  A lot of people get their news from social media now so it’s the new bastion of propaganda.