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Wu Long: Fallen Dynasty.

+ I actually really like its morale system; the levels have a set number of minor/major flags with the major being checkpoints. Planting minor flags restores health, planing major restores health and healing items. It really lets you explore the map without having to rest letting enemies respawn. Everytime you plant a flag it raises your base morale up to a 20, getting hit lowers it (can’t go lower than base) and getttng killed lowers it it straight back to the base level. It acts like a plus/minus system compared to an enemies morale level, the higher the better and vice versa. It really encourages exploration. 

- Unfortunately tho, much like Rise of the Rōnin it’s hard to even tell what system it was originally designed for as graphically it looks … bad but at least RotR was a significantly better game. The games balancing is all over the place too, easiest game in the genre (with a very decent deflect system) but then has some massive spikes that make you wonder what they where trying to do here. I guess it’s trying to make you use the reinforcement system which is a NPC co-op system. 

It’s a ok game so far, doesn’t come close to RotR and it’s not even worth having in the same discussion with masterpieces like Nioh 2. I’ll 100% it like I do most things I play but I can’t say if it’ll be remembered after I do. I don’t think it’s going to stay with me after completion like truly great games I’ve played lately like Stellar Blade.

Ride The Chariot | ‘25 Completed