Jumpin said:
When I posted this two and a half months ago, the Liberal party of Canada trailed the Conservatives by 29%. In the time since, the Conservative movement has collapsed, and the Liberals now lead by 2% An update from Canada: Three years of Conservative dominance of the opinion polls collapses in two months. A few things led to this happening. 1. Conservatives have no solutions for people while shilling for the deeply unpopular oil industry. 2. Bombarding Canadians with irritating "verb the noun" style political ad spam with little depth and are quite grating to Canadians during a time of rising Canadian patriotism. 3. Much of that political ad spam does Trump style bashing of Canada, which in turn shows the Conservative government fund paying to associate themselves with the most unpopular elements of the US government. 4. General shift away from being swayed by pessimism and cynicism, Liberals = optimists, Conservatives = cynical pessimists. 5. The general incompetency of the Conservative Party's strategy. Their political messaging is really missing the mark, about as effective as very transparent strawmen or red herrings. In other words, they're not tackling anything real because they don't have much of a case. They're just making stuff up and hoping it sticks... and for anyone who's paying attention and has half a brain, it's not. As a note, the political ideology of federal Canadian parties are as follows: Liberals (Center to left of center), Conservatives (Right of center to right) and NDP (Left of center to left), Bloc (Regionalism left of center), Greens (Green politics), PPC (Alternative für Kanada). There's another story here, many NDP voters are also shifting to support Liberals in response to the Conservative attacks. Many of them for the first time. At least when it comes time for me to swear allegiance to that fucking King, I won't feel so dirty doing so this time (yes, even if you swore allegiance to the crown in another country, you still have to swear again in Canada because technically, it's a different crown, just the same head). |
It's too bad cutting off power will largely affect Northern states whose citizens mostly voted against Trump. Trump's Southern base hates the rest of the country so much that they'll just laugh when that happens.